Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (norsk)


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ACDC 2016: Role of High Latitudes in Centennial to Millennial Scale Climate Variability

Bonne Bay Marine Station, Norris Point Newfoundland, Canada

Group photo ACDC 2016
Group photo ACDC 2016, Winter House Brook Canyon at Tablelands.
Ryan Love


The ACDC Summer School took place August 8-19, 2016 at Bonne Bay Marine Station, Norris Point Newfoundland. The topic this year was Role of High Latitudes in Centennial to Millennial Scale Climate Variability.

Target: Advanced PhD candidates and early career scientists.

Goal: To mix students and lecturers with empirical/proxy and dynamical training within climate science and focus on understanding the basic principles and dynamics behind centennial to millennial scale climate variability and their link to past, present and future changes to high latitude climate.


Anne Jennings - Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

Raymond Bradley - University of Massachusetts Amherst

Alan Condron - University of Massachusetts Amherst

Julie Brigham-Grette - University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tore Furevik - University of Bergen

Jake Gebbie - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Kerim H. Nisancioglu - University of Bergen

Øyvind Paasche - University of Bergen

Lev Tarasov - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Application process:

By the deadline we had received 63 applications.