Samarbeidsprosjektet ASMOG



Betti, M., T. Landås. 2021. “Balancing the cultural outcomes and challenges in training the seafarer in the interconnection of the SDGs, safe and efficient operations at sea”. In University of Bergen and International Association of Universities publication on SDG 14.

Betti, M. 2023. "Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in time of crisis. Observations from ethnographic fieldwork on board LNG carriers". Public Anthropologist.

Betti, M. 2024. “Maturing Machines: technology development and situated practices of socialization onboard liquified natural gas (LNG) carriers.”, Special issue: Automation and Extraction: Shifting (In)Visibilities at New Technological Frontiers, in Public Anthropologist 6(2).

Gentilucci, M. 2024. "Exploring Oceanic Dimensions: Rethinking Materiality and Automation in Deep-Sea Mining." Special issue: Automation and Extraction: Shifting (In)Visibilities at New Technological Frontiers, in Public Anthropologist 6(2).

Vindal Ødegaard, C. and M. Betti. 2021. “Automatisering i maritime industrier: en utforskning av nye terreng»

Ødegaard, C. V. & M. Betti. 2024. “Automation and Extraction: Shifting (In)Visibilities at New Technological Frontiers. An Introduction”, Special issue: Automation and Extraction: Shifting (In)Visibilities at New Technological Frontiers, in Public Anthropologist 6(2).

Ødegaard, C. V. "Automation at sea; an anthropological perspective". EU Research, ISSN 2752-4728

Vitenskapelige foredrag og konferanser

Betti, M. 2022. "The Complexity of LNG: first case onboard Adriano Knutsen". Fluid Commons Workshop, Oslo.  

Betti, M. 2022. "Conducting ethnographic fieldwork on a LNG shuttle tanker." Center for Energy Transition (CET) Lunch, Bergen. 

Betti, M. 2022. "On the ASMOG project and human rights". Arqus Annual Conference, Graz. 

Betti, M. 2023. "The value(s) of one energy resource: LNG in troubled times." Resource Culture Dialogue Series, Tubingen.

Betti, M. 2023. "Gas Extraction in Time of Energy Crisis." Ethnography and Extraction, NMBU, Oslo and Ås.

Betti, M. 2023. "The green transition: oil, unions and climate." Day Zero SDG, Bergen. 

Betti, M. 2024. "Black hands, blue energy: the LNG transport and its controversies." European Association of Social Anthropology. Academic lecture.

November 2021 NAF Annual Conference. Polarisering.

Vindal Ødegaard, C. and M. Betti. 2021. "Automatisering i maritime industrier: en utforskning av nye terreng." Årskonferanse, Norsk antropologisk Forening, Bergen. 

Ødegaard, C. V. & M. Betti. 2021. "Automation Shift in the Maritime Sector of the Oil and Gas Industry: assessing risk and safety, protecting labor." Årskonferanse, Norsk antropologisk Forening, Bergen.

Ødegaard, C. V. 2021. "Automation Shift for the Energy Shift? An explorative case from Killingøy, Norway" Paper presentation at the Beyond Oil Conference "Prioritizing Climate Action" - October 20-21, 2021.

Ødegaard, C. V. 2022. "Making (in)visible at the crossroads between sea and land". Fluid Commons Workshop, Oslo. 

Ødegaard, C. V. 2023. "Labor and Responsibility between Sea and Land: Digitalized Technologies". ASMOG Academic Workshop, Bergen. 

Ødegaard, C. V. & M. Betti. 2024. "Automated Technologies at the Crossroads of Sea and Land". EASA Network Anthropology of the Seas. Academic lecture.

Ødegaard, C. V. 2024. "Labor at sea relocated and represented? Digitalization in Norwegian maritime industries." EASA conference, Barcelona.