Film og refleksjon: Helse
Filmvisning av People We Come Across etterfulgt av en panelsamtale med Mia Halme (regissør), Elina Oinas (University of Helsinki), Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy (UiB) og Marte Haaland (UiB) moderert av Karen Marie Moland (UiB).

Welcome to the Global School Film & Reflections series, providing food for thought, body and soul. The series addresses the global challenges that are at the heart of the Bergen School of Global Studies: Climate, Governance, Health, Inequality and Migration.
While reading the newspaper one day Mia Halme (Film director) came across what she thought was a crazy research idea, namely that of transporting Finns to Benin, exposing them to bacteria causing diarrhea and examining their stools with the purpose of developing a vaccine. In the movie People We Come Across Halme follows the research project in a small village in Benin, exploring the personal experiences of those involved. The film draws attention to how research is conducted, cultural exchange, charity and colonial history. Join us for a conversation about research ethics, decolonization and the intersection of science and society.
In cooperation with Biff we will screen the movie People We Come Across followed by a panel discussion with Mia Halme (Film director), Elina Oinas (University of Helsinki), Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy (UiB) and Marte Haaland (UiB) hosted by Karen Marie Moland. Moland is the co-leader of the Health Pillar at the Bergen School of Global Studies.
The movie screening starts in Jusbygg II Auditorium at 17:15 and will be followed by the panel discussion starting at 19:00.
Or join the webinar on Zoom.
Both events are free and open for all.
Sign-up here.
In the West African nation of Benin, Finnish immunologist Anu Kantele is developing a cure for diarrhea, a disease which kills thousands of children in the region every year. With Beniese adults immune to the cause of the disease, Kantele has devised a program that invites Finns to travel to Benin for a combined vacation and vaccine trial. PEOPLE WE COME ACROSS follows one such test group, and is an entertaining and thought-provoking exploration of research ethics, tourism and the relationship between Europe and Africa.
Read more about the Bergen School of Global Studies.