CCBIO's 9th Annual Symposium (2021)
Register now: The 9th CCBIO Annual Symposium will take place May 19-20 2021.

CCBIO has the pleasure of inviting you to the 9th CCBIO Annual Symposium, May 19-20 (virtual only). We have secured both international and local speakers, and several topics will be covered (see program here). List of speakers include among other Bernd Bodenmiller, Hans Clevers, Ezra Cohen, Kara Davis, Klaus Pantel, Morag Park, Anil Sood, Genevieve Boland, Ulf Landegren, Jeffrey Pollard, Lewis Au, Amir Aref and Hani Gabra.
In the current situation, we have created a new format starting later in the day to accommodate international participants, and with enhanced interactivity and longer breaks. This works best online – as the symposium this year will be a purely online event. The format allows for top notch keynote presentations from international experts within cancer research, several interactive panel discussions, and our younger researchers will have the opportunity to hold short 3-minute plenary presentations (with credits) instead of the usual poster-presentations. (Note; very few spots available for 3-minute presentations now, so be quick if you would like to present!)
Based on our experience, online events (courses, seminars, etc) generally have very high attendance rates, although zoom-meetings are limited to 300 participants. We therefore recommend not to wait with your registration. Registration for online participation is free.
Zoom links will be sent to registered participants.
Practical information: See practical information to participants here.
The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to pass on this information.
3 min presentations: If you are a younger researcher who would like to hold a 3 min presentation (credit awarding activity), please submit a one page abstract in Word to NOW. Presentations are to be 3-minutes (180 seconds, sharp) with one single slide without animations, no questions permitted. Diplomas for presentation- and audience awards will be issued.
Welcome to the 9th CCBIO Annual symposium!
The Satellite symposium will be adapted in the annual symposium
CCBIO normally hosts a Satellite Symposium which takes place the day before the Annual Symposium, also at Solstrand. This year, speakers and topics of the Satellite Symposium will be joint with the Annual Symposium.