CCBIOs 10. årlige symposium (2022)
Velkommen til CCBIOs 10. årlige symposium på Solstrand hotell 10.–11. mai 2022.

Dear all
We would like to remind you that it is still possible to register for online participation which is free of charge.
CCBIO has the pleasure of inviting you to the 10th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 10-11 at Solstrand Hotel close to Bergen. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.
The 2021 symposium was a success with more than 300 participants, and we expect the 2022 symposium to be even better. This year you can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of all the other researchers, and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evening.
Speakers include:
- Robert S. Langer
- Malin Sund
- Daniel Öhlund
- Srinivas Malladi
- Rolf Brekken
- Carina Strell
- Silvio Gutkind
- Olli Kallioniemi
- Gooitzen van Dam
- Sébastien Wälchli
- Christine Desmedt
- Matthias Nees
- Marta Bertolaso
- Anne Bremer
- Dominique Chu
- Bjørn Hofmann
See the program here.
Younger researchers will be offered slots for 3 -minute speed-talks as well as two extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants. NOTE: now closed for submission of speed talks or posters.
The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four). So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.
For registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:
Registration link: NOTE: now closed for submission of speed talks or posters.
Practical information: on this link
Poster presentation
If you wish to present a poster, please have the following information at hand before registration:
- Poster title
- Authors
- Whether you will present alone or with one of the co-authors
- Size of the poster
Note that a one page poster abstract in Word format needs to be submitted to by April 20 for inclusion in the poster book. Fit all in one page (with normal size font), start with project title on top, then authors, followed by author affiliations, and then the abstract.