UiB Alumni

Nyhetsarkiv for UiB Alumni

Merete Nygaard is the CEO & Founder of Lawbotics, a young firm helping companies to streamline parts of the legal processes. In this interview she tells us how she went from being an attorney to entrepreneur.
Denne hausten kan ex.phil.-klassikaren feire 50 år, og Gunnar Skirbekk kan gle seg over at filosofihistoria hans er spreidd over halve verda.
I dag kjenner de fleste henne som nyhetsanker i TV2, men som mange nye studenter var også Siri Kleiven Strøm usikker på hva hun skulle gjøre med utdannelsen da hun reiste fra Årdal til Bergen for å studere sammenlignende politikk.
Allerede før hun har disputert for doktorgrad har stipendiaten Stina Ellevseth Oseland fått den prestisjefylte stillingen som ny klimadirektør i Bergen kommune. Les hvordan månedens alumn vil gjøre Bergen enda mer klimavennlig.
Thanks to the support of her student advisor at UiB, Francine successfully completed her education after moving to Norway from Burundi. Now she supports immigrants to start their own businesses with an incubator for entrepreneurs.
Nyutdannet, permittert eller bare på jakt etter ny jobb? Vi har intervjuet to karriereveiledere og en erfaren HR-direktør om hvordan du bør gå frem for å søke jobb i en ny digital hverdag.
Det var då NRK-korrespondent Roger Sevrin Bruland rapporterte frå innsida av ei italiensk intensivavdeling at vi nordmenn verkeleg oppfatta kor alvorleg koronaviruset er. Tilbake i Berlin skryt han av historiefaget frå UiB som han nyttar kvar dag på jobb.
As part of his PhD in Space Plasma Physics at the University of Bergen, Håkon is currently working at NASA contributing to make space journeys safe for astronauts.
When Harald started his law studies at UiB, he already had a fairly good idea of the path and career he wanted to pursue: take the NYC Bar Exam and practice as lawyer on Manhattan.
Linn discovered her passion for video games while attending her MA in Media Studies at UiB. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to raise global awareness of the game development industry in Norway becoming the reference point for the Norwegian game developers community.
Ved hjelp av digitale visualiseringer kan du oppleve Bergen slik det kan ha sett ut i 1320.
Gro wrote her Master Thesis in Administration and Organization on “Implementation theory and changes in organizations” and this has been one of the building stones of a 30-year career in HR. With Christmas approaching, Gro explains to international students at UiB her interpretation of the meaning of Norwegian's most emblematic word: koselig.
Visionary investor and advisor, thanks to his education at UiB in Economics and Information Science, he has learned to recognize the potential in companies and how to guide them to success. Now he looks back at his time as a student and sees what has shapen him into the professional he is today.
During the 30-year celebrations of the cooperation between Makerere University (Mak), Uganda and the University of Bergen (UiB), we had the opportunity to meet and interview a group of prominent Mak-UiB Alumni. All had a story to share about how their experience at UiB had helped to shape their careers and how they had brought a piece of Norway back with them to Uganda.
James is a lifelong-learner with multiple degrees and executive courses from universities spread across four continents. With working experience from Google, Twitter and most recently Facebook, he has a clear view on how to set yourself up for a career of success.
Helge Høibraaten is Founder & CEO of Vimond Solutions AS. Thanks to his historical studies at UiB, he has learned to recognize how technology can disrupt a sector and ride the change toward success. Now he has a few tips to share with those wanting to start their own company.
Lær om greske og romerske byer, deres utforming, historie, arkeologi og vår felles europeiske kulturarv. Oppstart 2. april.
Månedens alumn Pia Ve Dahlen jobber med å redde havet. Hun vet råd for de som vil bidra. – Mesteparten av kunnskapen sitter gjemt i hodene på fagfolk som politikerne ikke vil høre på. Å redde havet er ikke en konkurranse, det er en dugnad.
