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Forholdet mellom Kina og verden

“Kinas nye treenighet av forsyningssidereformer, dobbel sirkulasjon og felles velstand” ved Cui Zhiyuan, Qinghua University (Beijing).

Ancient Chinese world map
James Joel on Flickr


The recent announcement of “common prosperity” as a new policy orientation by the CCP leadership generated heated debates both domestically and internationally. One view considers it a sign of returning to the Maoist era by repressing private entrepreneurship; another view sees it as a way forward to a Chinese equivalent of the American Progressive Era from an outdated Chinese Gilded Age. This lecture argues that both views are not quite to the point. Both Say’s law (supply-side reform) and Keynes’ Logic of domestic demand management (Dual Circulation) are incomplete; Common Prosperity is proposed to work on supply and demand sides simultaneously. This lecture explains the internal logic running from Supply-Side Reform and Dual Circulation to Common Prosperity and analyzes the impact of China’s new macro-economic policies on China-World relations. 

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Foredraget ble spilt inn og kan ses her:

China’s New Trinity of Supply-Side Reform, Dual Circulation and Common Prosperity