
Nyhetsarkiv for ViSmedia

How do readers navigate through news sites? Students at UiB conducted evaluations with biometrical equipment and gained valuable insights into reader behaviour. You can access their evaluations of national media such as Aftenposten, VG and NRK at the bottom of this article.
The innovating approach partly explains why the studies at Media City Bergen are among the most popular programs at the University.
What’s up with Snapchat? How come more than 2,5 million Norwegians have downloaded the app, and how is Snapchat changing our social interactions?
A forthcoming Routledge book highlights new uses of virtual reality, 360-video and augmented reality in journalism. This is the first comprehensive volume on practices and implications of immersive journalism.
More than 150 university students and media professionals attended the conference Snap Society on Jan. 30. The conference was held in Atriet, Media City Bergen, and focused on the uses of Snapchat injournalism, health communication and education respectively. At the conference, Snapchat experts from many fields discussed how the app is rapidly changing our social interactions.
Professor Deborah G. Johnson of the ViSmedia team has written a new book on engineering ethics to be published on Yale University Press. As a leading scholar in the field of engineering and computer ethics, Professor Johnson provides an engaging survey of the most difficult and controversial ethical topics within the field.
The concept of surveillance capitalism has attracted much attention recently. More than 70 people showed up to listen to Anja Salzmann and Dag Elgesem from UiB discussing the controversial book by Shoshana Zuboff. The seminar was facilitated by The Forum for Science and Democracy and is published as a podcast by Vox Publica.
Maps showing flows of refugees and asylum seekers into Europe have become familiar elements of the news. These maps, with their circles and arrows, impose a kind of collective surveillance on people and define them as problematic.
The 2020 US elections are more than a presidential election. In fact, it is more than 11,000 elections, concerning everything from state legislature to dog catchers mosquito commissioners. A journalist can’t cover all this, but computational journalism can help you to figure out where to put your resources.
Social media has grown to be an important platform for news consumption. By sharing links to news stories, your contact network on social media can create its own news agenda.
How can 360 degree videos and VR change the ways stories are told? Will immersive journalism get its final breakthrough during the corona crisis? – It is wise and timely to watch these technologies now, says ViSmedia researcher Turo Uskali from Finland. Uskali led the work with the new Routledge-book Immersive Journalism as Storytelling, which is now released as an e-book.