Samarbeidsprosjektet ASMOG


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New podcast: The Journey of Gas

🌍 At a time when the energy debate focuses mainly on economic and geopolitical aspects, we want to bring attention to other fundamental dimensions: the human and social.

Flavia Bazzano and Marianna Betti


👩‍🔬💬 Thanks to the narrative of Marianna Betti, postdoctoral fellow at the department of social anthropology University of Bergen and to the journalistic and editing expertise of Flavia Bazzano, we will dive into the social and human dynamics that permeate the gas supply chain. We will discuss energy policies, history and culture, but also technological evolutions, human-machine interactions, and how ships which transport gas in its liquefied form (LNG) are in effect an ecosystem, a unique socio-technical system. From the communities living near the extraction sites to the crews onboard LNG carriers, to the homes where gas sustains life, we will explore each stage of this fascinating journey.

🔍 Are you ready to join us? The first episode "Land" is available now in dual languages (English and Italian) on major platforms!


Click here to access the podcast on Spotify!