
Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group


Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

Landscape at Rondane with a sampling plot marked out and a person looking through binoculars

Multidisciplinary research with a long time-scale perspective

Our research seeks to understand drivers of change in terrestrial ecosystems.

We aim to generate fundamental scientific insights that also contribute to scientifically informed and evidence-based decision-making in society. We investigate the causes and consequences of current global change in terrestrial (and freshwater) ecosystems and seek ways to mitigate the impacts of predicted effects of global change on terrestrial ecosystems. We collaborate in several large international ecological projects, including distributed experiments, knowledge-sharing platforms, and large research consortia. Reproducibility and open science are embedded in our approaches. We involve stakeholders in our science locally, nationally, and internationally. We are inclusive with regards to background, gender, and career stage. Further, we communicate our science across a broad spectrum of channels, from high-profile publications to the science-policy interface and popular science. This ensures that we reach the appropriate audiences and have impact within science and across society.

Two students surveying heathland vegetation next to a fjord

Masters Studies with EECRG

We have a number of interesting projects for Masters students to get involved with and provide good support and academic and social meetings to participate in.