Kraniofacial utvikling og funksjon


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Missing teeth is one of the most common congenital developmental disturbances, and every year 3000 children are born with missing tooth buds in their dentitions. Missing teeth is more common in certain families than in others, indicating genetic regulatory mechanisms behind such deviations. The coastal region of Norway has a relatively stable population (settlement), and is therefore suitable for such studies. By means of molecular genetic research methods, the aim of the group is to identify genes behind agenesis and delayed tooth eruption. Interactions within the tooth bud on tooth development and the effect of different genes are studied in knock-out models.

The aim is to improve diag­nosis and treatment options of congenital deviations in teeth, dentitions and jaws. Teeth are also excellent model systems for studies and analysis of mechanisms behind organ development in general. Clinical studies that evaluate the results of applied treatment methods are part of this project.