Forskningsgruppe i fysioterapi


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The Physiotherapy Research Group takes an active part at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, 20 - 23 June 2011 in Amsterdam

Research collaboration between University of Bergen, Bergen University College and Haukeland University Hospital resulted in several presentations.


Platform presentations

Bjordal JM: Do systematic reviews of physical agents and pharmacological agents in the Cochrane Library interpret scientific evidence differently?


Lygren H, Strand LI, Anderson B, Magnussen LH. Do ICF core sets for low back pain include patients’ self-reported activity limitations due to back problems?


Magnussen LH, Strand LI, Skouen JS, Eriksen HR. Long-term follow-up of disability pensioners having musculoskeletal pain.



Poster presentations

Anderson B, Lygren H, Manussen LH, Eide GE, Strand LI. What functional aspects explain patients' impression of change after rehabilitation in low back pain?


Bjordal, JM, Gabel P, Nussbaum E, Houghton P. Electrotherapy, laser and tissue healing.


Joensen J, Bogen B, Birkeland B, Bjordal JM. Intratester- and test-retest reliability of a physical test battery for investigating arthritic knee pain.


Joensen J, Demmink JH, Johnson MI, Lopes-Martins RÁB, Bjordal JM. The thermal effects of therapeutic lasers on human skin.


Magnussen LH, Lygren H, Anderson B, Breivik K, Strand LI. Validation of the Norwegian version of Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire


Skjaerven LH, Gard G, Strand LI. Body Awareness Rating Scale (BARS) – Method development and reliability


Strand LI, Anderson B, Lygren H, Skouen JS, Ostelo R, Magnussen LH. Responsiveness of 10 physical tests used for patients with back pain.


Sorsdahl AB, Moe-Nilssen R, Strand LI. Is there a relationship between aquisition of basic motor abilities and quality of movements in children with cerebral palsy?