
Prosjekt Energethics


Oil Rig. Troy Williams via CC flickr

ENERGETHICS - Norwegian energy companies abroad.  Expanding the anthropological understanding of corporate social responsibility

Norwegian energy companies are increasingly ‘going global’ as they invest in projects abroad - many of which often involve contested environmental and social issues. Such investments require that energy companies relate to standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR).

This project explores whether it makes a difference if the corporate ethics of a company is framed in relation to a corporatist state and based on a ‘Nordic model of CSR’. Three Norwegian energy companies are included in this study – Statkraft, Equinor (previously Statoil) and Det Norske Oljeselskap.

Panel debate
Energethics debatt

How do Norwegian energy companies handle responsibility abroad?

Social anthropologists highlight how Norwegian energy companies handle their responsibility abroad.


ASA19: Energethics' perspectives on global challenges

In September, Energethics researchers participated in the ASA 2019 conference in Norwich where they shared their perspectives on global challenges.

Front page of article

Energethics Article Addresses Methodology

Energethics published their first article “Rethinking Access. Key Methodological Challenges in Studying Energy Companies” in the journal "Energy Research and Social Science". The article is available online.