Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (norsk)


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ACDC 2016 Practical infomation

This page will continuously be updated with practical information for the participants.



All of the local expenses will be covered by the Summer School. Students will lodge at the Marine Station, Norris Point. Due to limited number of beds, lecturers will be lodged close by. The Marine Station has a fully equipped kitchen. All students will be designed to kitchen duty twice during the Summer School. All at the Marine Station have to vacate their rooms by 13:00 at August 20th.



Participants are expected to pay their own flight ticket to and from Deer Lake (YDF) Newfoundland. There will an opportunity to apply for a limit number of travel grants, which will cover part of the costs to get to Newfoundland.

Bus transport from Deer Lake to Norris Piont will be covered by the Summer School.


International evening 

To celebrate all the nationalities represented at the ACDC Summer School, we ask participants to bring a food item special for their home country. Please remember to declare the food item at customs if required. What food items you can bring to Canada is found at Canadian Food Inspection Agency homepage.


What to bring

Towels, duvets, pillows, sheets and bed linen are provided at the station. There will also be possibilities for doing laundry at the station. We want to limit the amount of rubbish we produce, so we will not provide paper or plastic cups and plates in the field.

- Wind and waterproof clothing (jacket and trousers)

- Warm clothes

- Indoor shoes

- Hat, scarf and mittens

- Travel insurance 

- Lunch box

- Water bottle

- Thermos

- Camera (we encourage students and lecturers to share their pictures)

- Backpack

- Plate, cup, fork, spoon and knife. 

- Proper hiking boots 

- Laptop (+ memory stick for student presentations; 8 minute presentation - maximum 8 slides)

- Sleeping mat

- Sleeping bag

- Tent

- Mosquito repellent


Wetter forecast

Norris Piont