Imagining and experiencing the 'refugee crisis' (IMEX)


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IMEX has participated in several dissemination activities. Some of this you can read more about here.



UDI logo
UDI logo, fra UDI sin nettside: https://www.udi.no/

Online presentation for UDI: Susanne Bygnes, Hege Høivik Bye and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten were invited by UDI offices across Norway to give a presentation about their experiences from the IMEX project concerning the refugee crisis. 


Street art of blindfolded refugee with suitcase.
Borondo, Madrid 2011.

Research Library Tour: Stavanger

What did we learn from the refugee crisis in 2015? 

Professor and principal investigator Susanne Bygnes gave a lecture at Sølvberget bibliotek and kulturhus in Stavanger about what we can learn from the refugee crisis in 2015. 


Holding a lecture
Melody Larsen


Research Library Tour: Bergen

What did we learn from the refugee crisis in 2015? 

Professor and principal investigator Susanne Bygnes, professor Elisabeth Ivarsflaten and associate professor Hege Høyvik Bye gave a lecture at the public library in Bergen about what we can learn from the refugee crisis in 2015.



Portrait of woman with blonde hair, striped t shirt and leather jacket.
Eivind Senneset

Webinar with Professor Bygnes at the University of Sussex 

Susanne Bygnes gave an invited lecture about the role of social imaginaries of equality in local responses to refugee arrivals in Norway at a seminar  organized by the Ethnicity, Race, and Diverse Societies Research Network at the University of Sussex. 

The Webinar took place on the 15th of december, 2021. 

Read more about the webinar here. 


Women holding presentation.
Zubia Willmann Robleda


Key Note at the National IMER Seminar for Junior Scholars 

Susanne Bygnes gave a key note lecture entitled Social imaginaries in studies of migration and diversity at the two-day national seminar for junior scholars of migration and ethnic relations at the University of Bergen, organised by IMER Junior.

The seminar took place on the 2d of December, 2021.


Woman with blonde hair and black shirt holding a presentation
Ilse van Liempt



Paper presentation at Utrecht University

Ilse van Liempt and Susanne Bygnes presented their joint manuscript Mobility Dynamics in the Settlement phase at the conference Global implications of migratory movements at Utrecht University in November 2021.




Screenshot from title in Kommunal Rapport
Kommunal Rapport

Chronicle: More positive to refugees locally than nationally

Elisabeth Ivarsflaten professor at the Department of Comparative Politics and DIGSSCORE, wrote about recent IMEX findings in Kommunal rapport. You can read it here (in Norwegian).



Discussion panel
Susanne Bygnes

IMISCOE-panel 2018: Temporalities of migration and integration

Engaged discussions about the usefulness of drawing on time and temporalities as analytical tools in migration studies at the IMISCOE conference in Barcelona, July 2018

IMEX co-organized this two-part panel on Temporalities of migration and integration at IMISCOE Barcelona 2018 with Marta Bivand Erdal from PRIO, Oslo. The panel included presentations by amongst other Nauja Kleist, Katharine Charlsey and Russel King. Both sessions spurred engaged discussions about the usefulness of drawing on time and temporalities as analytical tools in migration studies. 


Susanne Bygnes speaking at the library
Kristoffer Jul-Larsen

Public talk at the library

People coming as refugees to Norway. Who are they? A public talk by Susanne Bygnes at the Bergen Public Library, in April 2018.


Screenshot from logo MigrationWeek at Litteraturhuset

User group involvement

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration UDI, The Directorate of Integration and Diversity IMDI and Bergen municipality are among those contributing with valuable input to the project from different user perspectives. The project contributes by disseminating findings through publications, meetings and seminars. The project also disseminates results by giving talks in several upper secondary schools in the Bergen area and involve local populations and refugees in public discussion meetings in different public venues.


Kristine Wenaas presenterer funna sine for UDI-tilsette

Master thesis presentation

How did neighbors react to getting an asylum center in their local environment?
Master-student Kristine Wenaas presented her IMEX-related master thesis at UDI in Bergen (in Norwegian).


Screenshot of the TV-series "Mottaket"

Mini TV-series

Why small stories matter. Research from the IMEX-project contributes to the NRK mini-series Mottaket (The reception center) (in Norwegian).


Bygnes at Arendalsuka

Arendalsuka 2017

The Norwegian Citizen Panel presented research several days at Arendalsuka, with one day focusing on migration. This day IMEX presented results from the PILOT-project (in Norwegian).


Når krisen blir hverdag

Newspaper coverage

The first results from the IMEX-pilot was presented in Bergens Tidende (in Norwegian). The "refugee crisis" gave social science researchers a chance to observe a natural experiment. Bygnes presented some of these results in Bergens Tidende in the article "Når krisen blir hverdag" (in Norwegian).