Watch 'Part 1: The EU Taxonomy' here!
Watch Berte-Elen Konow (UiB), Daniel Næsse (PwC), and Grete Rusten's (UiB) presentations at part 1 of the EU Taxonomy webinar!
Part 1 The Eu Taxonomy
Monday May 10th 14:15-15:45 - Part 1:
Berte-Elen Konow (UiB) - Sustainable finance and the EU taxonomy at a glance.A short presentation of the background and scope of the Taxonomy Regulation, the main principles of how to decide whether an economic activity is regarded as environmentally sustainable and the link between the Taxonomy Regulation and the screening criteria.
Daniel Næsse (PwC) – A closer look at the taxonomy with regards to criterias of use, and its impact
The presentation will address how the technical criteria are formulated by way of examples relevant to the energy industry. Furthermore, the presentation will address the mechanisms that give the taxonomy an important impact to companies far beyond the ones that actually have a reporting requirement, including new clarifications from the Commission in April 2021.
Grete Rusten, Department of Geography, University of Bergen - Will EU`s Taxonomy Regulation make the industry greener?
This presentation will critically discuss some potential impact (or lack of so) in triggering the industry in a greener direction. The factors that briefly will be discussed are for the first the way rebound effects outside and geographically far away from the company in question is not considered and means that things are not improving at all. Second, is the issue about replacement effects that leads to an increase in use of resources. Thirdly do this presentation address the way the taxonomy does not grasp variations of performance between different individual players within the same sector. Finally, this concerns the question about whether the taxonomy should act as an instrument to support the winners or alternatively compensate for market failure.
Part 2 will be held Wednesday, May 19th, 08:30 - 10:00. Register here to receive the streaming link!