
Bergen sommer-forskerskole


Systems perspectives on sustainability and justice

PhD summer research school
Bergen, 10-20 June 2025

The five parallel courses next summer covers:

Health financing  |  Accounting for sustainability  |  Democratic practices  |  Innovations in higher education  |  Climate change and health

Bergen Summer Research School
Person looking at a notice board

Exploring alternative directions towards a sustainable future

“The fact that we have just five years left to reach the Sustainable Development Goals should give us reason to pause — can we not do better?” asks Professor Birgit Kopainsky, who will lead Bergen Summer Research School 2025.

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Global challenges
 affect us all. Shaped by some of Bergen's best research groups, Bergen Summer Research School tackles some of the most pressing challenges facing the world.

BSRS is a joint venture under the leadership of the University of Bergen with NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Chr. Michelsen Institute and NORCE.

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