
Forskningsgruppe for avhengighetsforskning


Picture of men drinking beer and preoccupied using their mobile phones


The Addiction Research Group examines addiction/addiction-like conditions associated with substances (such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs) and behaviours (e.g. gambling, gaming, social media usage and shopping). The Addiction Research Group is affiliated with the Norwegian National Competence Center for Gaming and Gambling research (SPILLFORSK) and the Human Enhancement and Body image Lab.


LeaderProfessor Eilin K. Erevik

E-mail: Eilin.Erevik@uib.no

PO box: Forskningsgruppen for avhengighetsforskning, Institutt for samfunnspsykologi, Postboks 7807, 5020 BERGEN

Phone: 55 58 31 90

E-mail: post@psysp.uib.no