Unesco 2014


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International Conference on the UNESCO 1972, 2003 and 2005 conventions in Bergen
24-26 March 2014


Sunday evening23 March


1600-1800 "Mount your poster" at the Student center (conference venue)

1700-1830 City walk. Meeting point: The Norwegian Seafood Center.

1830-2000 Registration and a light and informal meal at the Norwegian Seafood Center, Fisketorget, Torget 2. http://www.sjomat.no/



Monday 24 March


0800-0900 Registration and “mount your poster”period.

0900-0920 Welcome by Dag Rune Olsen, Rector, University of Bergen, and Tora Aasland, President of the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO.


0915-1300 SESSION 1:About the Conventions 1972, 2003 and 2005


The relation between tangible and intangible culture. The link between nature and culture.

Chair: Peter M Haugan, Professor, University of Bergen
and vice-chair Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO.

0920-0945 Synergies for development, Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development.
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO.

0945-1015 Overview and possible synergies.
Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO.

1015-1045 Why were the last two conventions established?
Christina Cameron, Professor, Université de Montréal, Canada.

1045-1115 Tangible - Intangible, Culture -Nature: Categories and their challenges in global application.
Britta Rudolff, Managing Director of Think Heritage! Advisor to the Minister of Culture, Bahrain.

1115-1145 Coffee break


Synergies between The Hague Convention of 1954 and Culture Conventions of UNESCO and other synergies to develop.
Benjamin Goes, Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed conflict.

Cucuá Culture.
Alberto Pascual, Founder and Director, Foundation CoMunidad, Panama.

Nominating and implementing mixed world heritage in Scandinavian Countries.
Professor Allan Sande, University of Nordland, Norway.

Expanding the Geoconservation Toolbox: Digital Documentation and Integrated Hazard Assessment at the Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast World Heritage Site.
PhD student Andrew Bratton, Queen's University Belfast, Northen Ireland.

5th World Heritage Youth Forum
Maria Agúndez, Head UNESCO Conventions, Ministry of Education, Spain.

1300-1400 Lunch

1400-1800 SESSION 2: Perspectives, conflicts and synergies in managing natural and cultural values

Chair: Kristin Bakken, Director, Directorate for Cultural heritage and member of the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO.

1400-1430 Anthropocene Ecology: The Cultural Construction of Nature.
Erle Ellis, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, USA

1430-1500 Lessons learnt from the global study of World Heritage sites: Inclusive, inter-disciplinary and critical reflections.
Amareswar Galla, Professor and Executive Director of the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum, India and Denmark


Re-thinking industrial heritage as a living landscape.
Associate professor Inger Birkeland, Telemark University College, Norway.

Geoparks: Magma Geopark under the auspices of UNESCO and the National Norwegian Committee for Geoheritage and Geoparks.
Director Pål Thjømøe, Magma Geopark, Norway.

Introduction to MAB – Man and the Biosphere.
Meriem Bouamrane, Programme specialist, UNESCO, France.

Introduction to Economusée.
Michel Gervais, President of the Society of Economusée Network, Canada.

1600-1630 Coffee break

From bricks and mortar to social meanings: A critical examination of local heritage designation in England.
Dr. Carol Ludwig, Lecturer, Northumbria University.

The Wadden Sea and it's fishers as a case study of tangible and intangible UNESCO heritage.
Lucy Gilliam, Campaigns Director of New Dawn Traders, United Kingdom.

Unnoticed Hands: People’s cultural traditions preserving the built heritage of Kathmandu Valley.
PhD student Monalisa Maharjan, University of Evora, Portugal.

The inventory of intangible cultural heritage in biosphere reserves: a case study in Catalonia (Spain).
Adviser of the Generalitat de Catalunya Lluís Garcia Petit, Ens de l'Associacionisme Cultural. 

How to shrink an urgent safeguarding list for craft?
Adviser Solveig Grinder, Norwegian folk art and craft association

Retracing the «Via Querinissima» route.
Project coordinator Andrea Vergari, Venerabile Confraternita del Bacalà alla Vicentina - Pro Sandrigo, Italy.


1800-2000 SESSION 3: Poster session

Poster session – with a light meal & beverages. Hosted by the City of Bergen.
Sjømatsenteret presents “12 flavors of Bergen”.


Tuesday 25 March

SESSION 4: What works in practice?


Excursion I - Out of town - 0745-1700

Meet at Strandkaien 15 at 0745.

The Heathland Centre at Lygra.

Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk (Wool Spinning Mill)
Économusée from 1 November 2013.


Alternative Excursion II (in Bergen) - 0900-1600

Gastronomy and World Heritage site. Meet at the Norwegian Seafood Center at 0900.

0900-0930 Presentation of the City of Bergen application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, by the City of Bergen

0930-1000 Presentation by The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research

1000-1100 Culture and food heritage of Bergen Region, by Masterchef Anders Isager, The Norwegian Seafood Centre

1130–1230  Lunch at Bryggen Tracteursted:

The traditional restaurant Bryggen Tracteursted received the Foundation Norwegian food culture’s menu Prize 2011 for their dining menu, which is based on Bergen and Hanseatic tradition.  The restaurant is situated in an old “Schøtstue” built in 1708. “Schøtstuer” were thus the only places on the Bryggen where you could get a warm meal in winter and were the only place for the hanseatic merchants to warm themselves in the winter. This particular “Schøtstue” is the only one still standing on its original site, but now has a modern kitchen inspired by Bergen and its past Hanseatic culture. The restaurant has been confirmed and recommended part of Confraternita del Bacalá alla Vicentrina and serves Bacalá alla Vicentrina to the joy of all stockfish lovers and visitors to Bergen. It will now be a central part of the cultural and culinary travel route “Via Querinissima” which is under development in cooperation with organisations in Italy and other European countries. Bergen and Bryggen is now a cornerstone in the new food cultural travel route symbolized with the stockfish wooden sculpture located on Bryggen in Bergen.

1230-1300  Outdoor introduction to the historic centre of Western Norway
Erlend Hofstad/Inger Lena Gåsemyr/Ole Vegard Skauge

1300–1400 The Hanseatic museum – World Heritage and Authenticity   
Marianne Nilsen

1400-1500 The Bryggen foundation – Restoring a World Heritage Site   
Hordaland fylkeskommune: Helene Moe, David Aasen Sandved, Per M Ekerhovd
Bernt Håvard Øyen


1500-1600 The Bryggen museum – Managing a World Heritage Site

  • Archeology submerged in ground water/Collections dried up and stored!
    Janicke Larsen og Ann Christensson
  • Bryggen 1899 - 2014: 115 years of cutting our heritage into little pieces
    Professor Geir Atle Ersland, UIB



Conference dinner in Håkonshallen at Bergenhus Castle. 



Wednesday 26 March

0900-1400 - SESSION 5: From knowledge to action. Interactions between theory and reality

Chair: Margareth Hagen, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen



Quebec Network of Cultural Development Agents
Claude Dubé, Dean and UNESCO Chair in Cultural Heritage, Université Laval, Canada.

From global to local: a case study of Rio de Janeiro WH Cultural Landscape legal protection
Phd Candidate Guilherme Mendonca, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil

“MEMORIAMEDIA Intangible Cultural Heritage online – Portugal
Researcher Filomena Sousa, Memoria Imaterial, CRL.



UNESCO City of Gastronomy - Östersund, Sweden - combining gastronomy, culture and tourism as a tool for regional development.
Dag Hartmann,  Project Manager and Project Coordinator-International projects, Regional Council of Jämtland.

1030-1100 Coffee break with a taste of Jämtland!

1100-1200 Way forward for heritage in sustainable development.
Panel discussion. Panel participants: Tora Aasland, Martin Price, Claude Dubé.  Moderator Peter Haugan.

1200-1300 "The values and value of what we value.” What is the role of creativity  in valuing our heritage. How do we assess what we should value and what we should forget in this dynamic process.
Charles Landry, founder director of Comedia, United Kingdom.

1300-1315 Closure

1315-1400 Lunch

1430-1600 City walk. Meet at the Norwegian Seafood Center.