Legal geographies at land and sea: island as border
This talk explores islands as sites of detention and struggle over entry, exclusion, and asylum-seeking.

Alison Mountz
Professor of Geography and Canada Research Chair in Global Migration
Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Canada
Christine M. Jacobsen
Director, Centre for Womens and Gender Research, UiB
States design creative legal geographies in the borderlands to mediate migrants’ access to sovereign territory.
Across this enforcement archipelago, on land and at sea, the global trends of border externalization and growth in detention converge and constitute hostile terrain in regions traversed by migrants. As a result, people on the move increasingly encounter borders in the border in their transnational journeys as a proliferating series of spaces of confinement.
This talk explores islands as sites of detention and struggle over entry, exclusion, and asylum-seeking. Islands function as both material site and spatial form that illuminates contemporary politics and geographies of migration, displacement, and sovereignty.
The lecture is part of the Bergen Summer Research School and is open to the public.