Institutt for pedagogikk
WNGER II: Annual Supervision Seminar

The 2nd Annual Doctoral Supervision Seminar in WNGER II 2020

Seminar location: Online via Zoom. The seminar is free of charge for all supervisors in WNGER II




Seminar location: University of Bergen/University of Bristol, online with Zoom.

The seminar is free of charge for all supervisors in WNGER II.

This 2nd annual doctoral supervision seminar in WNGER II will focus on different aspects on doctoral supervision through plenary-lectures, peer discussions (in break out groups) and informal discussions, it can include the following topics:

  • The pedagogy of doctoral supervision
  • Doctoral supervision and transferable skills
  • Psycho-social aspects of doctoral supervision
  • Supervising and the Covid-19 situation
  • Supervising at a distance

In the seminar we will focus on the supervisor’s role, but we will also include discussion about doctoral candidates’ perspectives, the role and responsibilities of departments and faculties. 

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Anne Lee is Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bristol and author of ‘Successful Research Supervision’ and its companion volume for postgraduate students ‘Successful Research Projects’. Anne is frequently invited to speak at conferences and workshops in the UK, Scandinavia and mainland Europe about her work on research supervision. She was the evaluator for the Erasmus project on the modern doctorate (Superprofdoc.eu). See more at www.drannelee.wordpress.com

Professor Sally Barnes is Professor of Doctoral Education in the School of Education at the University of Bristol. She is winding down towards retirement.  She was Faculty Education Director for Social Sciences and Law (2009-2018) and Director of the ESRC funded Southwest Doctoral Training Partnership (2010-2019). She has many years experience of supervising doctoral students and working with supervisors, including at the University of Bergen. See more at: https://research-information.bristol.ac.uk/en/persons/sally-b-barnes(ad6acfd1-a779-4d38-9ca2-9672cc1a4ab4).html

Dr. Kate Whittington is Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Quality and Standards), at the University of Bristol where she provides academic leadership for assuring the quality and standards of education provision of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.  She is also a member of the management team for the Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Health at the University which is a multidisciplinary programme that brings together individuals from a variety of backgrounds and provides training to develop researchers in this developing discipline.  https://www.bristol.ac.uk/medical-school/about/profiles/dr-kate-whittington/


                 Program 19th November 2020:               

09.00 -09.15   Opening by professor Rune Johan Krumsvik, Head of WNGER II

Welcome and short presentation of keynotes.

09.15-10.00    Doctoral supervision within educational research, by Dr. Anne Lee, Prof. Sally Barnes and Dr Kate Whittington

10.00-10.15:  Break   

10.15-11.00:    What do we need to organise and discuss when taking on a new doctoral student/ meeting a new supervisor?

11.00-12.00:   Plenary

12.00-13.00:   Lunch

13.00-14.00: What risks and difficult situations do we need to prepare for whilst supervising doctoral students, and choose one or two to feed back to the plenary group some suggestions about in how many ways might we meet them?

14.00-15.30: How do we prepare for and manage the assessment process and the defence?

15.30-15.45: Closing of the seminar

Please note the seminar will be held primarily on zoom, we will use breakout rooms, the zoom chat facility and padlet.  The organizers plan to be flexible and to respond as far as possible to the questions raised by the participants.  There will be regular short breaks which may not take place exactly at the times listed above.

Registration for the seminar within 10th November: https://www.uib.no/iped/139356/2nd-annual-doctoral-supervision-seminar-wnger-ii-2020