Institutt for fremmedspråk
Digital guest lecture

Aspirations and China’s Modernization

"Searching for sweetness: the mobile lives of Chinese women" by Sarah Hanisch from the Austrian Research Fund.

Girl by a river in Fenghuang, China
Diem Nhi Nguyen / Unsplash


Welcome to a new lecture in the "Current affairs in China" series this spring semester: Searching for sweetness: the mobile lives of Chinese women.

What are my dreams, and how can I realize them? Clearly, these two questions are on everybody's mind and even more on those who decide to cross territorial borders for traversing social ones. Along their way, migrants confront both challenges and accomplishments and must adapt their expectations quite often.

Sarah Hanisch from the Austrian Research Fund links rural-to-urban migration in China with Chinese migration to Africa. In her ethnographic study, she delves deeply into Chinese female migrants' lives in Africa and their female peers in their Chinese hometown.

Please register

The guest lecture will be digital, and is open for everyone who are interested. To receive a link to the meeting, please register here.

For further inquieries about the lecture series, please contact Julia Marinaccio on Julia.Marinaccio@uib.no

The lectures: