Institutt for pedagogikk

Section programme III

Writing in the Natural Sciences


Thursday Oct 7th  13.45-17:00


13.45-14:45 Writing training in the natural sciences: Lessons from practical experience

13:45-14:00 - Tore Furevik, University of Bergen, Project leader: Norwegian Research School in Climate dynamics and Vice director at Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

14:00-14:15 - Anne Line Wittek, Department of Education, Vestfold University College

14:15-14:30 - Magnus Gustafsson, Centre for Language and Communication, , Chalmers University of Technology

14:30-14:45 - Trine Mykkeltvedt, PhD student in Applied and computational mathematics, University of Bergen

 15.00-16:00 Writing training in the natural sciences: Lessons from research 

15.00 -15:20 – What works, what does not, and why? Lessons learned form the Stanford study of writing. Ass. professor Karen Lunsford, University of California, Santa Barbara.

15:20 -15:40  – How to effectively use feedback in developing students skills in science writing.Professor Dai Hounsell, University of Edinburgh 

15:40 - 16:00 – How to deal with the challenges of writing in a foreign language. Associate Professor Nancy Lea Eik-Nes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

16:15 -17:00 Panel Discussion: Elements in students’ writing development in higher education. Where, when and how to integrate these in courses?

Panel: Karen Lunsford, Dai Hounsell, Nancy Eik, Nes, Helge Dahle (Vice Dean and Professor, UIB), Trine Mykkeltvedt (MSc in Mathematics, UIB), Tore Furevik (Research School Leader, BCCR).


Friday Oct 8th  11.45- 13.00


11:45-12:00 - No emotions please - we are scientists! (Why academic science is impersonal, distant, and unreadable), Svein Sjøberg, ILS, University of Oslo

12:00-12:15 - To publish or perish, Roland Jonsson, Broegelmann Research
Laboratory, University of Bergen

12:15-13:00 - Panel: Dag Rune Olsen, Research group leader and Dean, UIB,, Dai Hounsell, Roland Jonsson and Svein Sjøberg