Institutt for pedagogikk

Poster presentation

There is no space for paper presentations at this conference, but we invite you to participate with a research and/or experience based poster.


Thematic areas for poster presentations and some suggestions for topics

(you are welcome to present on other topics that are relevant to the theme of the conference)

  • Study design and writing

How is writing built into the study design and how is progression and continuity taken care of?

  • Writing in the discipline

      Examples of how students are being taught and trained in disciplinary writing at bachelor, master or PhD level. The case could for instance describe and analyse a new approach to teaching writing in the particular discipline/course or an approach that has proved successful over a period of time. Both student and teacher perspectives should be documented. Examples of writing assignments that have been shown to stimulate students’ learning, interest in writing and creativity. Excerpts of student texts may be included.

  • Feedback (from peer and/or teachers) 

How is feedback integrated in the study design? What is done to encourage students to use the comments they get to improve their writing? How does systematic use of electronic peer feedback work, for instance in connection with portfolios? What about oral feedback in groups? How are teacher and peer feedback combined? How do routines and digital tools help the teacher give feedback more effectively on large amounts of texts?

  • Plagiarism/cheating/ethics 

How has the institution/department/individual teacher worked with questions relating to the ethics of writing and publishing? More specifically what has been done to deter plagiarism and cheating and with what results? Cases may focus on macro, meso and/or micro level.

What to do and deadlines

  1. Send an abstract of 300 words to olga.dysthe@iuh.uib.no, using the form below. Feedback will be given.
  2. Send a mini-paper (2 pages) by September 15th. These will be collected and distributed to all participants at the conference.
  3. Make a poster which you bring to the conference. Assistance will be given in mounting the poster during the first day. During the poster session you will be asked to be present to present/discuss the content with participants.   

Poster Abstract Submission Form

(paste this in a Word document and send as attachment to e-mail)

Academic Writing from Bachelor to PhD, Solstrand, Norway, Oct 7.-8. 2010 







Institutional Affiliations:










Body of Abstract: 






