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Master relay

Each spring, the Center for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) organizes a master relay for master students with a gender perspective - empirical or theoretic - in their thesis.

Gilda Seddighi


Master students from all fields of study and departments at UiB are welcome to participate.

The idea behind the master relay is to create a multidisciplinary arena for students and researchers at UiB. Participants are able to develop useful connections, and get feedback from scholars other than their counselor. It can also be inspiring to discover what other students are working on. The master relay is a full-day seminar where every participant gets 15 minutes to present his or her project. Afterwards, the group spends 15 minutes discussing the presentatin.

The relay team is composed by master students from the different departments at the faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Psychology. Thematically the scope is wide, and spans from the effects of micro-credits on rural women in Peru, via an archeological study of the meaning of women in the transition from Norse religion to Christianity in Norway, to an ethnographic study of masculinity in the military.

The stage of each project also varies greatly: some students are just developing their ideas, and see the relay as an opportunity to get feedback on their research design, while others are at the end of the road, and present close to complete analyses. In addition to their focus on gender, a common denominator among the students have been their enthusiasm and involvement in their own material, as well as the projects of their fellow students.

Look for this year's master relay in SKOK's calendar for the spring semester. The event is usually published in the calendar and communicated a couple of weeks beforehand.

Questions? Send an e-mail to post@skok.uib.no.