Man in rice field, Bangladesh

Loop - samfunnsutfordringer

Globale samfunnsutfordringer

Global challenges affect us all — they are complex and interdisciplinary by nature, and influence how we work and collaborate across disciplines at the University of Bergen.

en mørkhudet mann titter inn i et mikroskop

EU backs life-saving research: Tackling child diarrhea in low-income countries

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality in low-income countries, following pneumonia. To tackle this issue, a consortium coordinated by UiB-professor Kurt Hanevik has secured EU funding to improve diagnosis and treatment of diarrheal diseases.

Bergen Summer Research School
Person looking at a notice board

Exploring alternative directions towards a sustainable future

“The fact that we have just five years left to reach the Sustainable Development Goals should give us reason to pause — can we not do better?” asks Professor Birgit Kopainsky, who will lead Bergen Summer Research School 2025.

Migration conference (NMR 2024)
Synnøve Bendixsen and Kari Hagatun

The Politics of Mobility and Precarity – and the Alternatives

More than 250 migration scholars from around the world are gathered for the 22nd Nordic Migration Research (NMR) conference, taking place at the University of Bergen, 14-16 August.

BSRS 2024
Group of people walking

Hope, science and summer research school

“There is hope in science and research”, said Rector Margareth Hagen in her welcome address to the one hundred PhD candidates from more than thirty countries taking part in the seventeenth Bergen Summer Research School.

Gutt på Vestbredden, NTB

Self-help method for traumatized Palestinian children in the West Bank.

- The stories health and school personnel tell about children's suffering in Gaza and the West Bank are heartbreaking and shocking, says psychologist specialist Unni Heltne.



Bergen Global invites researchers, students and the public to events on international affairs and global challenges—free and open to all! 
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Bergen Summer Research School welcomes 100 PhD candidates from around the world to work with Bergen’s best researchers. 
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Bergen School of Global Studies is a network for graduate students seeking cross-disciplinary knowledge to tackle global challenges.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram