About the group
We are an interdisiplinary research group consisting of scientists and technicans with a background in medicine, endocrinology, biochemistry, molecular biology and nutrition.
The group is integrated with the Hormone Laboratory, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Pharmacology at Haukeland University Hospital. We are affiliated to the Mohn Nutrition Research Laboratory and Centre for Diabetes Research at the University of Bergen and Bergen Stem Cell Consortium at Haukeland University Hospital.
Vestnorsk forskningsbiobank for overvekt (VFO) is an important resource for our group with obesity and type 2 diabetes prevalent worldwide. We have established an interdisciplinary cluster for the study of obesity and associated diseases, including experimental, clinical, genetic and epidemiologic studies. Biobank samples consisting of fat biopsies, blood and urine samples are collected from obese patients, in particular people that have undergone bariatric surgery. We also study clinical and molecular changes during diet interventions and weight loss.
With a translational focus, from bedside to lab and vice versa, we use clinical cohorts, including the The Prospective Breast Cancer Biobank (PBCB) in Western Norway, in combination with experimental cell models, molecular biology, genomics, imaging and bioinformatics.
In addition to a variety of molecular techniques, we develop analyses with highly sensitive liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMSMS) technology, which is regarded as the gold standard for analytical measurements of small clinically important molecules such as steroid hormones.