Musical Creation and Creativity: Towards new Practices, Processes and Understandings?
Grieg Research School (GRS) invites to submission of abstracts for presentation at our November seminar in interdisciplinary music studies. The seminar takes place at the University of Bergen, November 25-28, 2013.

Musical Creation and Creativity: Towards new Practices, Processes and Understandings?
Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies invite you to participate in this research seminar as a PhD candidate or delegate.
- Title: Musical Creation and Creativity: Towards new Practices, Processes and Understandings?
- Place: University of Bergen, Sydneshaugen skole, Bergen
- Dates: November 25–28, 2013
- Registration: closed
- Questions about the seminar:
This GRS seminar will explore the concepts of creation and creativity from an interdisciplinary point of view, meaning comparisons and sharing of our conceptualizations as understood within in the framework of the different disciplines involved in Grieg Research School; musicology, music therapy, music performance and music education, as well as related scientific areas.
Monday November 25
11.30-13.00 Registration, Reception and Lunch
13.00-15.00 Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (Prøvedisputas). Candidate: Hans Petter Solli. Title: The groove of recovery: A qualitative study of psychotic patients’ experiences with music.
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-16.30 Viva Voce Lecture (Prøveforelsning). Candidate: Silje Valde Onsrud. Title: Heteronormativitet som utfordring for/i ungdomsskolen (the lecture will be in Norwegian).
Tuesday November 26
09.00-12.00 Viva Voce Examination (Disputas). Candidate: Silje Valde Onsrud. Title: Kjønn på spill – kjønn i spill. En studie av ungdomsskoleelevers musisering (the defense will be in Norwegian).
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.15 All Candidates: Your Ph.D. in five minutes or less!
14.15-15.15 Key text Presentation: Walter S. Gershon, Åsmund Espeland, Oded Ben-Horin
Wednesday November 27
09.00-10.00 Senior Researcher: Magnar Åm
10.00-11.00 Ph.D. Presentation: Julia Katarzyna Leikvoll
11.00-11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Ph.D. Presentation:Sigrid Jordal Havre
12.30-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.15Ph.D. Presentation: Zheng Yuan
14.15-15.15Ph.D. Presentation: Tine Grieg Viig
Førstelektor Candidates: Meeting and Presentations
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-17.00 GRS Candidate Meeting
19.00 Conference Dinner
Thursday November 28:
09.00-10.30 Keynote: Professor in Musicology Tomi Mäkelä. Title: "Musical Creation and Creativity"
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.15 Keynote: Composer, artist and lecturer Bjørn Kruse. Title: "Thinking Art - interdisciplinary perspectives on composition and drama"
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Keynote: Associate Professor in Music Therapy Simon Gilbertson. Title: "Navigation and Sounding: Fundamental modes of being sensing creative music practices"
14.30-15.00 Break
15.00-17.00 Panel discussion "Creativity, Civilzation and Ecology": Magne Espeland, Simon Gilbertson, Jill Halstead & Bjørn Kruse, coordinator Tomi Mäkelä.
Conference Close
Peer Feedback on Presentations
Each candidate will be assigned responsibility for giving feedback to a specific Ph.D. presentation. This will mean preparing by reading material carefully in advance, and preparing questions/comments/feedback. Peer feedback will be given as part of the group discussions sessions after each presentation.
We expect full participation from the candidates.
Full participation with presentation (oral, written or key text) grants 3 ECTS credits.
Approval of submitted essay (bassed on oral presentation or revised written presentation) is recognized by GRS with another 2 ECTS credits.
Submission of essays are only for PhD candidates, artistic research candidates and “førstelektor” candidates.
Submission date for essay: February 1, 2014.
Fees and accommodation
Participation in the research seminar is free for all PhD candidates who are members of GRS, higher education staff and other delegates from the owner institutions. Delegates from other institutions will pay a seminar fee of NOK 3000 and will receive an invoice from the University of Bergen. Candidates and other delegates cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation.
There are many hotels as well as nice and cheap pensions and guesthouses in Bergen. Chech the following links for more information on accomodation: