Economist wins Nobel Prize for his research on market power and regulation
– This proves that competition economics is a highly important field of research, says Professor Tommy S. Gabrielsen, general manager at BECCLE.

Monday October 13th Professor Jean Tirole was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his analysis of market power and regulation.
Tirole works at the Toulouse School of Economics in France.
Professor Tommy S. Gabrielsen, general manager at Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) is very pleased with the choice.
– We are extremely happy and proud to see the Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to a researcher dedicated to the field of competition and market regulation. Tirole has without a doubt made important contributions in both areas. He is the author of the text book in industrial organization that can be found on every competition economist's book shelf. "The theory of Industrial Organization" was written over 25 years ago, but few books in the field can be claimed to be better, even today, says Gabrielsen.
An important field of research
Competition economics is an important field of research at the Department of Economics at the University of Bergen and within the research group Firms and Markets.
BECCLE is a cooperation between the department, the Law Faculty (University of Bergen) and Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).
– This Nobel Prize proves that competition economics is a highly important field of research today, concludes Professor Gabrielsen.