ELSA-forskning - Nanoetikk
Ett av SVTs forskningsområder var nanoetikk, eller mer presist: etiske og samfunnsmessige aspekter ved nanoteknologi
Nanoetikk var ett av de fire temaområdene for UiBs satsing på nanovitenskap, og SVT var også ansvarlig for å undervise nanoetikk i UiBs studieprogrammer i nanoteknologi og nanovitenskap.
Begrepet nanoteknologi brukes om en rekke ulike teknologier der vesentlige komponenter eller prosesser forekommer på nanometerskala. En rekke viktige komponenter i naturen, som for eksempel atomer, virus og cellekjerner, finnes nettopp i denne størrelsen. Fordi nano kun er en størrelse er det en rekke svært ulike prosjekter, produkter og anvendelser som går under merkelappen nanovitenskap og nanoteknologi. Dette mangfoldet kan være med å synliggjøre nye aspekter ved, eller blåse nytt liv i, allerede eksisterende debatter om vitenskap og teknologi og hvordan den spiller sammen med samfunnet.
Mye som skjer innen nanovitenskap fremstår verken som revolusjonerende eller kontroversielt. Likevel er det ikke tvil om at utviklingen de siste årene innen denne typen teknologi har forandret samfunnet vårt, og i noen tilfeller på uventede måter. Enkelte opplever kanskje noen av disse utviklingstrekkene som problematiske, negative, tvetydige eller ubehagelige. Andre opplever kanskje graden og hurtigheten av forandring som ubehagelig eller problematisk. Når vi jobber med nanoetikk er vi opptatt av å belyse både positive, negative, tvetydige og uforutsigbare aspekter ved utviklingen av nanovitenskap og nanoteknologi.
Postdoktor Fern Wickson og stipendiat Kamilla Kjølberg har vært tilknyttet disse forskningsområder på full tid fra 2007-2009. Kamilla Kjølberg er knyttet til prosjektet fra 2006-2010. Andre medarbeidere er Roger Strand (prosjektleder), Ana Delgado, Kjetil Rommetveit og Matthias Kaiser.
Forskningsområdet var organisert i separate forskningsprosjekter, hvorav de to viktigste var:
Sist oppdatert/last updated September 2006
Ahlqvist, T. (2005). From information society to biosociety? On societal waves, developing key technologies, and new professions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72, 501-519.
Alani, D.I., and Mougharbel, Z.A. (2006). The evolution and limits of science. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 30, 51-55.
Albrecht, M.A., Evans, C.W., and Raston, C.L. (2006). Green chemistry and the health implications of nanoparticles. Green Chemistry 8, 417-432.
Altmann, J. (2004). Military Uses of Nanotechnology: Perspectives and Concerns. Security Dialogue 35 61-79.
Altmann, J. (2006). Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control. Routledge: London/New York.
Altmann, J., and Gubrud, M. (2004). Anticipating military nanotechnology. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 23.
Altmann, J., Gubrud, M.A., and D.Baird, N.A.S.J. (2004). Military, Arms Control, and Security Aspects of Nanotechnology. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 269-277.
Altmann, J., Gubrud, M.A., M.Roco, and R.Tomellini. (2002). Risks from Military Uses of Nanotechnology ' the Need for Technology Assessment and Preventive Control'. In: Nanotechnology ' Revolutionary Opportunities and Societal Implications Luxembourg: European Communities, 144-148.
Andrew, A.M. (2005). Internet commentary - Cybernetics and systems on the web: hoax paper, nanotechnology. Kybernetes 34, 1656-1658.
Arnall, A.H. (2003). Future Technologies, Today's Choices: Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ' A Technical, Political and Institutional Map of Emerging Technologies. Greenpeace Environmental Trust, London.
Ascott, R. (2004). Planetary technoetics: Art, technology and consciousness. Leonardo 37, 111-116.
Attebery, B., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). Dust, Lust, and Other Messages from the Quantum Wonderland. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 161-172.
Bainbridge, W.S. (2002). Public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 4, 561-570.
Bainbridge, W.S. (2004). Sociocultural meanings of nanotechnology: research methodologies. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 6, 285-299.
Baird, D., Nordmann, A., Schummer, J., Baird, D., Nordmann, A., and Schummer, J. (2004). Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS Press: Amsterdam.
Baird, D., and Shew, A. (2004). Probing the History of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. In: Discovering the Nanoscale eds. Baird.D, N. A., and S. J., Amsterdam: IOS Press, 145-156.
Baird, D., and Vogt, T. (2006). Societal and Ethical Interactions with Nanotechnology [SEIN]: An Introduction. Nanotechnology, Law and Business 1, 391-396.
Balbus, J., denison, R., florini, K., walsh, S., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Getting nanotechnology right the first time. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Balbus, J.M., Florini, K., Denison, R.A., and Walsh, S.A. (2007). Protecting workers and the environment: An environmental NGO's perspective on nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 9, 11.
Ball, P. (2003). Ethics at the nanoscale. Nature Materials 2, 299-299.
Ball, P. (2006). Damning all nanomaterials would be damned silly.
Bennett, M. (2004). Does existing law fail to address nanotechnoscience? Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 23.
Bensaude-Vincent, B. (2006). Two Cultures of Nanotechnology? Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 10, 65-82.
Bensaude-Vincent, B., J.Schummer, and D.Baird. (2006). Two cultures of nanotechnology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society: World Scientific Publishing, 7-28.
Berne, R.W. (2004). Towards the conscientious development of ethical nanotechnology. Science and Engineering Ethics 10, 627-638.
Berne, R.W. (2006). Nanotalk. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc: New Jersey.
Berne, R.W., and Schummer, J. (2005). Teaching Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology to Engineering Students Through Science Fiction. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 25, 459-468.
Bernett, J., Carr, A., and Clift, R. (2006). Going public: Risk, trust and public understanding of nanotechnologies. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G. Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Berube, D.M. (2004). The Rhetoric of Nanotechnology. In: Discovering the Nanoscale eds. D. Baird, N. A., and S. J., Amsterdam: IOS Press, 173-192.
Berube, D.M. (2005). Nano-Hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz. Prometheus Books.
Bibel, W. (2004). Converging technologies and the natural, social and cultural world. European commission, via an expert group on Foresighting the technological wave.
Bond, P.J. (2004). Vision for converging technologies and future society. Coevolution of Human Potential and Converging Technologies 1013, 17-24.
Brown, N., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). Needle on the Real: Technoscience and Poetry at the Limits of Fabrication. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 173-190.
Bueno, O. (2004). The Drexler-Smalley Debated on Nanotechnology: Incommensurability at Work? Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 10 83-98.
Bueno, O. (2006). The Drexler-smalley debate. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 29-48.
Bueno, O., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). Von Neumann, Self-Reproduction and the Constitution of Nanophenomena'. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 101-115.
Burgi, B.R., and Pradeep, T. (2006). Societal implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology in developing countries. Current Science 90, 645-658.
Carroll, J.S., and W.S.Bainbridge, M.C.R.a. (2001). Social Science Research Methods for Assessing Societal Implications of Nanotechnology'. In: Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Dordrecht: Kluwer, 188-192.
Choi, K. (2005). Ethical issues on nanotechnology in Asia. On the Convergence of Bio-Information-, Environmental-, Energy-, Space- and Nano-Technologies, Pts 1 and 2 277-279, 945-949.
Clift, R., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). risk management and regulation in an emerging technology. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Cobb, M.D. (2005). Framing effects on public opinion about nanotechnology. Science Communication 27, 221-239.
Cobb, M.D., and Macoubrie, J. (2004). Public perceptions about nanotechnology: Risks, benefits and trust. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 6, 395-405.
Cockell, C.S. (2001). 'Astrobiology' and the ethics of new science. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 26, 90-96.
Colvin, V.L. (2003). The potential environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials. Nature Biotechnology 21, 1166-1170.
Crow, M., Sarewitz, D., and W.S.Bainbridge, M.C.R.a. (2001). Nanotechnology and Societal Transformation. In: Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Dordrecht: Kluwer, 45-54.
de Souza e Silva, A., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). The Invisible Imaginary: Museum Spaces, Hybrid Reality and Nanotechnology'. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 27-82.
de Vries, M.J. (2006). Analyzing the complexity of nanotechnology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 165-179.
Drexler, K.E., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnology: from Feynman to Funding. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 25-34.
Dupuy, J.P. (2004). Complexity and Uncertainty: A Prudential Approach To Nanotechnology. European Commission (Community Health and Consumer Protection):.
Dupuy, J.P., and Grinbaum, A. (2004). Ethics Beyond Prudence: Toward a Normative Assessment of Nanotechnology. European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Dupuy, J.P., and Grinbaum, A. (2004). Living with Uncertainty: Toward the Ongoing Normative Assessment of Nanotechnology'. Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8.
Dupuy, J.P., and Grinbaum, A. (2006). Living with uncertainty: towards the ongoing normative assessment of nanotechnology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 287-314.
Echeverria, J. (2005). Governance of nanotechnologies. Arbor-Ciencia Pensamiento y Cultura 181, 301-315.
Einsiedel, E.F., and Goldenberg, L. (2004). Dwarfing the Social? Nanotechnology Lessons from the Biotechnology Front. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 24 28-33.
Einsiedel, E.F., and Goldenberg, L. (2006). Dwarfing the social? Nanotechnology lessons from biotechnology front. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G.
Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Estes, C.R. (1994). The Real-World Connection. Simulation & Gaming 25, 456-463.
ETC group. (2002). Nanotech takes a giant step down. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2002). No Small Matter: Nanotech particles penetrate living cells and accumulate in animal organs. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration: Winnipeg, Canada.
ETC group. (2003). Green Goo: nanotechnology comes alive! ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2003). No small matter II: The case for a global moratorium. Size matters!
ETC group. (2004). Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2004). Nano's Troubled Waters. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2005). Report Prepared for the South Centre - The Potential Impacts of Nano-Scale Technologies on Commodity Markets: The Implications for Commodity Dependent Developing Countries. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2005). A Tiny Primer on Nano-scale Technologies ...and The Little BANG Theory. ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
ETC group. (2006). Nanotech Rx-Medical applications of Nano-scale technologies: What Impact on Marginalized communities? ETC: Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration.
Etzkowitz, H., and W.S.Bainbridge, M.C.R.a. (2001). Nano-Science and Society: Finding a Social Basis for Science Policy'. In: Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Dordrecht: Kluwer, 121-128.
European, C. (2004). Nanotechnologies: A Preliminary Risk Analysis on theBasis of a Workshop, Brussels, 1-2 March 2004. European Commission (Community Health and Consumer Protection).
European, C. (2004). Towards a European strategy for nanotechnology. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels.
Fielder, F.A., and Reynolds, G.H. (1994). Legal Problems of Nanotechnology: An Overview'. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 3, 593-629.
Fleischer, T., Decker, M., and Fiedeler, U. (2005). Assessing emerging technologies - Methodological challenges and the case of nanotechnologies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72, 1112-1121.
Fogelberg, H. (2003). The Grand Politics of Technoscience: Contextualizing Nanotechnology'. G”teborg University, G”teborg.
Fogelberg, H. (2003). The Material Culture of Nanotechnology. G”teborg University, G”teborg.
Fogelberg, H. (2003). Science and Technology as Knowledge Cultures. G”teborg University, G”teborg.
Fogelberg, H., Glimell, H., H.Fogelberg, and H.Glimell. (2003). Molecular Matters: In Search of the Real Stuff'. In: Visibility to the Invisible: Towards A Social Understanding of Nanotechnology, G”teborg:: G”teborg University, 5-32.
Frewer, L. (2004). Nanotechnology and Consumer Confidence - Implications for Commercialisation. European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Glimell, H. (2004). Grand Visions and Lilliput Politics: Staging the Exploration of the 'Endless Frontier'. In: Discovering the Nanoscale eds. D. Baird, N. A., and S. J., Amsterdam: IOS Press, 231-246.
Glimell, H. (2004). "Nano Social Responsiveness" -on whose home turf could it be enacted? European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Glimell, H., H.Fogelberg, and H.Glimell. (2003). Dynamics of the Emerging Field of Nanoscience'. In: Visibility to the Invisible: Towards A Social Understanding of Nanotechnology, G”teborg: G”teborg University, 79-85.
Glimell, H., H.Fogelberg, and H.Glimell. (2003). A Nano Narrative: The Mircopolitics of a New Generic Enabling Technology'. In: Bringing visibility to the Invisible: Towards A Social Understanding of Nanotechnology, G”teborg: G”teborg University, 55-77.
Glimell, H., H.Glimell, and O.Johlin. (2001). Challenging Limits ' Excerpts from an Emerging Ethnography of Nano Physicists. In: Social Production of Technology: On the Everyday Life with Things, G”teburg: SE: BAS Publisher, 111-131.
Goldenberg, L., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnologies and society in Canada. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Gordijn, B. (2005). Nanoethics: from utopian dreams and apocalyptic nightmares towards a more balanced view. Science and Engineering Ethics 11, 521-533.
Gorman, M.E. (2002). Levels of Expertise and Trading Zones: A Framework for Multidisciplinary Collaboration. Social Studies of Science 32, 933-938.
Gorman, M.E., Groves, J.F., and Catalano, R.K. (2004). Societal dimensions of nanotechnology. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 24.
Gorman, M.E., Groves, J.F., Shrager, J., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology as a Trading Zone: Results from a Pilot Project'. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 63-73.
Greenfield, S.A. (2005). Biotechnology, the brain and the future. Trends Biotechnol. 23, 34-41.
Grunwald, A. (2004). The case of Nanobiotechnology Towards a Prospective Risk Assessement. European Molecular Biology Organisation Report 5, 32-36.
Grunwald, A. (2005). Nanotechnology - A new field of ethical inquiry? Science and Engineering Ethics 11, 187-201.
Guzman, K.A.D., Taylor, M.R., and Banfield, J.F. (2006). Environmental risks of nanotechnology: National nanotechnology initiative funding, 2000-2004. Environmental Science & Technology 40, 1401-1407.
Hansson, S.O. (2004). Great Uncertainty about Small Things'. Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8.
Hansson, S.O., J.Schummer, and D.Baird. (2006). Great uncertainty about small things. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society: World Scientific Publishing, 315-325.
Hayles, N.K., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). Connecting the Quantum Dots: Nanotechscience and Culture. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 11-26.
Hennig, J. (2006). Changes in the design of scanning Tunneling Microscoic images from 1980 to 1990. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 143-163.
Hermerén, G. (2004). Nano Ethics Primer. Nanotechnologies: A Preliminary Risk Analysis on theBasis of a Workshop, Brussels, 1-2 March 2004 95-102.
Hessenbruch, A. (2006). Beyond truth: Pleasure of nanofutures. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J. Schummer and D. Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 357-382.
Hessenbruch, A., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). Nanotechnology and the Negotiation of Novelty. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 135-144.
Hood, E. (2004). Nanotechnology: Looking As We Leap. Environmental Health Perspectives 112, A740-A749.
Howard, C.V., and Ikah, D.S.K. (2006). Nanotechnology and nanoparticle toxicity: a case for precaution. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G. Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Hunt, G. (2006). Nanotechnologies and the society in Europe. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G. Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Hunt, G., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnoscience and complex systems: the case for nanology. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). The global ethics of nanotechnology. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G. Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law. Earthscan: London, Sterling, VA.
Hunt, G., Mehta, M., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Introduction: The challenges of Nanotechnologies. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 1-12.
Jørgensen, M.S. (2004). Green Technology Foresight GTF) about environmentally friendly products and materials - the challenges from nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT. European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Johansson, M. (2003). Plenty of room at the bottom: Towards an anthropology of nanoscience. Anthropology Today 19, 3-6.
Johnson, A., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). The End of Pure Science: Science Policy from Bayh-Dole to the NNI'. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam:: IOS Press, 217-230.
Kearnes, M.B. (2004). Nanotechnology, Risk and Sustainability: Moving Public Engagement Upstream. European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Keiper, A. (2003). The Nanotechnology Revolution'. The New Atlantis 2, 17-34.
Kharat, D.K., Muthurajan, H., and Praveenkumar, B. (2006). Present and futuristic military applications of nanodevices. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 36, 231-235.
Khushf, G. (2004). A Hierarchical Architecture for Nano-scale Science and Technology: Taking Stock of the Claims About Science Made By Advocates of NBIC Convergence. In: Discovering the Nanoscale eds. D.Baird, A. Nordmann, and J.Schummer, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 21-33.
Khushf, G. (2004). Systems theory and the ethics of human enhancement - A framework for NBIC convergence. Coevolution of Human Potential and Converging Technologies 1013, 124-149.
Kosal, M.E. (2004). Nanotech: is small scary? The bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Kulinowski, K. (2004). Nanotechnology: From Wow to Yuck? Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 24, 13-20.
Kulinowski, K., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnology: from 'wow' to 'yuck'? In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 13-24.
Kuusi, O., and Meyer, M. (2002). Technological generalizations and leitbilder ' the anticipation of technological opportunities. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 69, 625-639.
Kuzma, J. (2006). Moving forward responsibly: Oversight for the nanotechnology-biology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research.
Landon, B., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). Less is More: Much Less is Much More: The Insistent Allure of Nanotechnology Narratives in Science Fiction. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 131-146.
Laszlo, P. (2004). Is There Life After Partington? Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 10, 169-178.
Laurent, J., Petit, J.C., J.Schummer, and D.Baird. (2006). Nanoscience and their convergence with other technologies: new golden age or apocalypse? In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society: World Scientific Publishing, 249-286.
Lee, C.J., Scheufele, D.A., and Lewenstein, B.V. (2005). Public attitudes toward emerging technologies - Examining the interactive effects of cognitions and affect on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Science Communication 27, 240-267.
Lenhard, J., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). Nanoscience and the Janus-Faced Character of Simulations. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 93-100.
Lewak, S.E., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). What's the Buzz? Tell Me What's A-Happening: Wonder, Nanotechnology, and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 201-210.
Lewenstein, B.V. (2005). What counts as a 'social and ethical issue' in nanotechnology? Hyle 11, 5-18.
Lewenstein, B.V. (2006). What counts as a 'Social and ethical issue' in nanotechnology?
In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 201-216.
Lin-Easton, P.C. (2001). It's Time for Environmentalists to Think Small ' Real Small: A Call for the Involvement of Environmental Lawyers in Developing Precautionary Policies Molecular Nanotechnology. Georgetown International Law Review 14, 106-134.
Lopez, J. (2004). Compiling the ethical, legal and social implications of nanotechnology. Health Law Rev. 12, 24-27.
López, J. (2006). Bridging the gaps: science fiction in nanotechnology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society, eds. J.Schummer and D.Baird: World Scientific Publishing, 327-356.
Lösch, A., D.Baird, A.N., and J.Schummer. (2004). Nanomedicine and Space: Discursive Orders of Mediating Innovations. In: Discovering the Nanoscale Amsterdam: IOS Press, 193-202.
MacDonald, C. (2004). Nanotech is novel; the ethical issues are not. Scientist 18, 8-8.
Macnaghten, P., Kearnes, M.B., and Wynne, B. (2005). Nanotechnology, governance, and public deliberation: What role for the social sciences? Science Communication 27, 268-291.
Macoubrie, J. (2006). Nanotechnology: public concerns, reasoning and trust in government. Public Understanding of Science 15, 221-241.
Marini, L. (2004). European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences. European Workshop on Social and Economic Research on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, April 14-15, 2004, FP6 STAGE.
Marshall, K., and N.K.Hayles. (2004). Atomizing the Risk Technology'. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 147-160.
Martin, M., Osmo, K., J.Schummer, and D.Baird. (2006). Nanotechnology: Generalizations in an interdisciplinary field of science and technology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society: World Scientific Publishing, 181-199.
Martinez-Fernandez, C., and Leevers, K. (2004). Knowledge transfer and industry innovation: the discovery of nanotechnology by South-West Sydney organisations. International Journal of Technology Management 28, 560-581.
Masami, M., Hunt, G., Masayuki, O., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). Nanotechnologies and society in Japan. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Matsudai, M., and Hunt, G. (2005). Nanotechnology and public health. Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi 52, 923-927.
Matsuura, J.H. (2006). Nanotechnology Regulation And Policy Worldwide. Artech House Publishers.
Mehta, M. (2002). Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Assessing the Nature of Innovation in These Fields. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 22, 269-273.
Mehta, M. (2004). From Biotechnology to Nanotechnology: What Can We Learn from Earlier Technologies? Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 24, 34-39.
Mehta, M., Hunt, G., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). What makes nanotechnology special? In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Mehta, M., Hunt, G., and Mehta, M. (2006). From biotechnology to nanotechnology: what can we learn from earlier technologies? In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, ed. S. Rayner, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Meridian institute. (2004). International dialogue on responsible research and development of nanotechnology.
Meridian institute. (2005). Meridian Institute Paper on Nanotechnology and the Poor: Opportunities and Risks -- Closing the Gaps Within and Between Sectors of Society.
Meyer, M., and Kuusi, O. (2004). Nanotechnology: Generalizations in an Interdisciplinary Field of Science and Technology. Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 10, 153-168.
Meyer, M., Kuusi, O., Schummer, J., and Baird, D. (2006). Nanotechnology: Generalizations in an Interdisciplinary Field of Science and Technology. In: Nanotechnology Challenges implications for philosophy, ethics and society: World scientific.
Meyer, M., and W.S.Bainbridge, M.C.R.a. (2001). Socio-economic Research on Nanoscale Science and Technology: A European Overview and Illustration. In: Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Dordrecht: Kluwer, 217-241.
Milburn, C. (2004). Nano/Splatter: Disintegrating the Postbiological Body. New Literary History 35.
Milburn, C. (2004). Nanotechnology in the age of post-human engineering: science fiction as science'. In: Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience ed. N.K.Hayles, Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 109-130.
Miller, G. (2006). Nanomaterials, sunscreens and cosmetics, small ingrediences - big risks. Friend of the earth, Australia and US.
Mills, K. (2006). Nanotechnologies and Society in the USA. In: Nanotechnology - Risk, ethics and law, eds. G. Hunt and M. Mehta, London, Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Mnyusiwalla, A., Daar, A.S., and Singer, P.A. (2003). 'Mind the gap': science and ethics in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology 14, R9-R13.
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