Institutt for sosialantropologi

Levantines in Argentina: Narratives of Migration and Integration

The Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen is happy to announce the upcoming seminar with Dr. Lorenzo Cañás Bottos (University of Trondheim).


This presentation is a first exploration of my recent (2014) fieldwork material. One of the objectives is to try to construct an initial sociodemographic characterization of the Levantine (mostly Syrian and Lebanese) immigrants to Argentina in the XIX and XX centuries combining census data with records from the immigration department. In doing so it will try to lay down the background to the life stories as well as the stories of family migration, integration and cultural construction that formed the core of my ethnographic fieldwork in Argentina. The other objective is to focus on the processes by which these immigrants were classified and reclassified, renamed and relabeled on different occasions.


All interested are welcome!