Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies

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Project title: Creative composing processes in music education

Completion date: December 2015

Main supervisor: Professor Catharina Christophersen

Co-supervisor: Dr. Jill Halstead


The project:

Main research question

How are creative processes involving collaboration between children and professional composers developed through interpersonal relations, creative strategies and knowledge sharing?


This Ph.D.-project focuses on the educational perspectives of creative processes in composing music. The aim is to make a contribution to an on-going discussion of creative processes in the field of music teacher education and music teaching through studies and analyses of collaborative compositional processes. More research on children’s learning processes is needed, understanding the knowledge, interpersonal relations and the development of creative strategies in collaborative compositional processes. Asking how creative competencies in composing music can be taught, learned and developed, this research will be based on three case studies where professional composers and children meet in collaborative creative processes composing music. The study will be an approach to learn and understand more about what happens in these interactions. Through interviews, observations and logbooks the research will show how both the composers and the children experience and undergo the creative processes the study investigates.


Tine Grieg Viig is a PhD student at Bergen University College (enrolment at UoB), working with a project called Creating processes in art and art didactics at the Centre of arts, culture and communication. Her background is from the field of music pedagogy, and she also works as a choir conductor and composes music mainly for voices. The PhD project is, however, interdisciplinary, and springs from a curiosity of the creating process as a phenomenon across the domains, based on descriptions of lived experiences, texts and artwork from composers, visual artists and authors.