Et utvalg av nylige og kommende arrangementer. For mer informasjon se forskningsgruppens hovedside og kalender.
- For an updated list of guest lectures and seminars at the Wittgenstein Archives Bergen (WAB) please visit http://wab.uib.no/wab_goingon.page
- Wittgenstein on Irrational and Complex Numbers", guest lecture with Tim Grasshöfer (TU Dortmund), 29 February 2024.
- Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Science in the "Tractatus", gjesteforelesning med Nuno Venturinha (Nova University of Lisbon), 2. november 2023.
International Conference: Wittgenstein on Foundations: Mathematics, Mind, World
Held at Wadham College, Univ. of Oxford on 1-2 August 2022. Funded by the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen
Co-organizers: Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill (Bergen), Alex Paseau (Oxford, Wadham College)
More information pending.
Workshop: Wittgenstein and Practice
Univ. of Bergen, 26-28 May 2022
Co-organizers: Kevin Cahill, Sorin Bangu
More information: Wittgenstein and Practice
Severin Schroeder (Univ. of Reading, UK): Farewell to Hinge Propositions 30 March 2022
Prof. Schroeder has been an invited researcher at the Dept. between 11 March - 8 April, visit financed by HUMEVAL funds.
- Sorin Bangu: An analogous investigation? Later Wittgenstein on psychological and mathematical discourse. At the workshop 'Wittgenstein and the formal sciences', ETH Zurich, 11 Jan. 2022
- 19 Oct. 2021, kl. 19-21. A Zoom panel discussion of Kevin Cahill's latest book, Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture: Naturalism, Relativism and Skepticism (Routledge, 2021).
Panelists: Kevin Cahill (University of Bergen, Norway), David Stern (Univ. of Iowa, USA), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley, USA), Martin Gustafsson (Åbo Akademi University, Finland), Julie Zahle (Univ. of Bergen), Martin Sætre (Univ. of Bergen). Sorin Bangu (Univ. of Bergen) will moderate the discussion. There will be time for questions from the online audience as well.The book is available Open Access, here .
Link to the discussion.
- Trächtler, J. (2021) Das Fremde des Fremdpsychischen (The Otherness of Other Minds).
Invited talk at Wittgenstein-Forum of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, University of Vienna, September 2021.
- Trächtler, J. (2021) Speaking in Monster Tongues - Wittgenstein and Haraway on Nature, Meaning and the 'We' of Feminism, discursive exhibition program.
Invited talk at Mikey Laundry Art Garden MLAG, June 2021.
- Cahill, K. (2021) "A Parting of the Ways: A Sort of Prequel"
Talk at Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus; A Series of Centennial Lectures, The Joint Research Center in Logic of Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam, June 9. [zoom]
- Bangu, S. (2021) Two dualisms in later Wittgenstein's writings on mathematics.
Talk at Oxford Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, 3 May. [zoom]
- Pichler, A. (2021) Religion without beliefs?
Talk at "UEA Wittgenstein workshop", School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication, Univ. of East Anglia, org. Oskari Kuusela. (UK) Norwich, 28 April. [zoom]
- Trächtler, J. (2021) Understanding the Other.
Invited talk at UEA Wittgenstein Workshop, online, January 2021.
- Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 reading group on Cambridge Pragmatism: From Peirce and James to Ramsey and Wittgenstein by Cheryl Misak.
We plan to meet in person, if possible, twice a month. If interested to join, please email sba011@uib.no for updated info.
Wittgenstein: Naturalism and Necessity
Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Nov. 21-22, 2019. Co-organizers: Sorin Bangu, Kevin Cahill.
Invited speakers: Bill Child (Oxford), Annalisa Coliva (UC Irvine), Oskari Kuusela (East Anglia), Juliet Floyd (Boston), Alexander George (Amherst), Severin Schroeder (Reading).
The first workshop in the NFR funded project 'Mathematics with a Human Face'.
Wittgenstein in the 21st Century
Co-Organizers: Hans Sluga (UC Berkeley); Kevin Cahill, Sorin Bangu (University of Bergen). At the Dept. of Philosophy, U.C. Berkeley, April 5-6, 2019.
Special Seminar. Mark Steiner (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem):
“Wittgenstein vs. Turing on consistency and contradictions in mathematics”
Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen. 17 Oct. 2018 Organizers: Sorin Bangu, Alois Pichler, Simo Säätelä.
Graduate research seminar:
“Wittgenstein on the Other Minds Problem”
Speaker: Jasmin Trächtler (PhD candidate, Univ. of Bergen) 20 Sept. 2018.
Wittgenstein In / On Translation
Workshop co-organized by Alois Pichler and Paulo Oliveira. The Norwegian-Brazilian SPIRE University of Bergen, Philosophy Department. June 25.-27. 2017
Nordic Wittgenstein Society Conference:
Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Mind, and Naturalism
Organizers: Kevin Cahill, Thomas Raleigh (NTNU). 12 June 2015.
Invited Speakers include Charles Travis (Kings), Paul Snowden (UCL), Julia Tanney (Kent), William Child (Oxford), David Finkelstein (Chicago), Dorit Bar-On (Connecticut).Special Seminars. Peter Hacker (Oxford):
"Philosophy and neuroscience" (1 Sept. 2014), "The nature of consciousness" (2 Sept. 2014)
Organizer: Alois Pichler.
Special Seminar. Allan Janik (Innsbruck):
“The Philosophical Importance of Wittgenstein's War Experiences”
Organizer: Alois Pichler, 28 April 2014.
Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language
Workshop organizers: Jakub Mácha (guest researcher at WAB) and Sebastian Greve (Birkbeck, University of London). 14 June 2013.
Special Seminar. Hans Sluga (UC Berkeley):
" 'What has history to do with me?' Wittgenstein and history"
Organizer: Kevin Cahill, 7 May 2013.
Other previous activities
- December 2, 2013Kevin Cahill gave a talk with the title «Wittgenstein’s Paganism» December 2, 2013 at the conference «Wittgenstein and Anglo American Philosophy: The Case of Normative Inquiry”. The conference was organized by the Center for British Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
- November 8, 2013Kevin Cahill presented a paper «Naturalism and the Friends of Understanding» at the Institute Seminar, November 8, 2013. This paper is forthcoming in the journal Philosophy of the Social Sciences and is now online at the journal’s webpage.
- Thursday, 25th April, 2013, "Wittgenstein's Heirs: R. Rhees, G.H. von Wright and G.E.M. Anscombe as Students, Colleagues and Friends of Ludwig Wittgenstein"
- Christian ErbacherErbacher, post.doc. in the department, shared preliminary results from his NFR FRIPRO-supported research project "Shaping a Domain of Knowledge by Editorial Processing: The Case of Editing Wittgenstein's Work".