Senter for internasjonal helse



  • Achenyo Peace Abbah. Long-term health effects of outdoor air pollution on asthma and respiratory symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Doua Abdalla Awadalkarim Ahmed. Food security for migrants under the pandemic: A scoping review.
  • Ifeaanu Ajekiigbe. Cross-cultural Competence in Health Education in Norway: Perceptions and Implementation of the RETHOS protocol in The University of Bergen.
  • Chloë Carpi. Description of dietary patterns and food diversity in a selected sample of Maya women: a pilot field study in the Lake Atlitlán area, Guatemala.
  • Ingrid Cardoso Couto de Azevedo. Examining the interrelationship between universal health coverage and healthcare-related carbon emissions: a mixed methods study.
  • Muhammad Eid. Developing a medication-based 10-year survival prediction model based on the Norwegian prescription data.
  • Agnes Grünberg. Exploring Socio-Cultural Barriers to Facility-Based Childbirth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review.
  • Anum Ilyas. Enablers and Barriers for caregivers of children to access healthcare in Malawi.
  • Mudasar Iqbal. How did we get here? A critical analysis of WHO’s World Health Reports (1995-2013).
  • Alina John. Associations of socioeconomic factors with parents’ awareness and acceptability of HPV vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review.
  • Venla Tuulia Koivuluoma. Primary prevention measures for intimate partner violence against women: A semi-systematic literature review.
  • Grace Mallange. Cost and Cost - Effectiveness of Cervical Precancerous Lesion Treatment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.
  • Jasmine Maharjan. Effects of Interventions used in management of hypoglycemia and Diabetic Ketoacidosis among patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic Review.
  • Shokouh Makvandi-Nejad. Prevalence of Allergic diseases in Mayan Population of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala: a cross-sectional pilot study.
  • Sharika Marjan. Establishment of a high throughput drug screening platform using iPSC derived brain organoids for POLG related disorders.
  • Maria Gorretti Nakyonyi. Use of dental care services among adolescents living with HIV on ART in Kampala, Uganda: a cross-sectional study.
  • Mahshad Nazarihaghighipashaki. Occupational injuries in fishing, farming and forestry in southeast Asia, Australia, and selected European coastal countries. 
  • Susmita Neupane. Mainstreaming disability in health projects implemented by NGOs in Nepal.
  • Sadia Nusrat Nisha. Effect of mesenchymal stem cells' secretome on mesenchymal stem cells derived from rats with medication-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw.
  • Ronas Shakya. Physical activity and its Relationship with Sleep apnea: A RHINESSA (Respiratory Health in Northern Europe, Spain, and Australia) study.
  • Penias Tembo. Trends and inequalities in the nutritional status of females of reproductive age in Zambia from 2001 to 2014- a cross-sectional study.
  • Puja Tripathi. Perceptions of mental illness among healthcare providers in Nepal.

  • Mayra Elizabeth Urquizo Gonzalez. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on programs that combat child marriage among girls in Niger, Chad, and Bangladesh.

  • Tsering Yangzom. Stem cell-based study on defining toxic Astrocytes in Neurodegeneration


  • Mihiret Wake Abza. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Surgical Repair for Obstetric Fistula in Ethiopia.

  • Asia A.M. Aljiafiri. Optimization of Immunohistochemistry Technique for Low-Income Countries:  A Study on Oral Cancer.  

  • Lydia D. Boyle. Promotors and Barriers to the Implementation of Assistive Technology and Telecare for People with Dementia and their Caregivers: A systematic review of the literature.

  • Camilla Brox. Evaluation of Antiemetic Treatment of Women Hospitalised for Hyperemesis Gravidarum at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.                      

  • Sanjay Gyawali. Association of Tuberculosis Infection with Asthma and Respiratory Symptoms in a Nordic-Baltic Multicentre Population Study.

  • Genet Mulugeta Hirpesa. Ophthalmology Care in Ethiopia: A Health Economic Evaluation.

  • Melissa Alejandra Ilic. The Impacts of the Global Gag Rule on Quality Care: A Scoping Review.

  • Zarak Tariq Jan. Multiplex Immunofluorescence Studies on T cell Subsets in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue.

  • Juan Pablo López Cervantes. Asthma, Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function Across Age Groups in an Indigenous Mayan Population in Guatemala, and Relation to Work in the Traditional Textile Industry: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study, Lake Atitlan Lung Health Study.

  • Deborah Kabulo Mukendi. OST-Patients Financial Situation and Mental Health.

  • Asnath James Nnko. Comparing Prevalence of Alcohol Use Among Children and Adolescents Aged 6 to 13 Years in Rural vs Urban Areas: A Systematic Review and Meta Analyses.

  • Beatrice Normann. Identification of Novel Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Proteins Expressed In Vivo in Human Pulmonary Tuberculosis Lesions: Meta-proteomics of the autopsy material from pre-antibiotic era, 1931 – 1947.

  • Medha Roy. Association Between Dietary Diversity and Food Expenditure in Malawi: A Cross-Sectional Study, Based on Nationwide Household Survey 2017.

  • Nivedita Sinha. Global Challenges Related to Use of Dental Amalgam: Can Health Complaints Be Reduced After Removal of Amalgam Restorations? Analysis Of Data from a Norwegian Prospective Cohort Study Comprising Experimental Treatment.


  • Yaw Opoku Agyei-Mensah. Small fish and food security: the cleaning practices and cooking methods of small fish in poor Ghanaian households.
  • Rachana Aryal. Stillbirths from Year 2067 BS to 2076 BS in Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal:  A Descriptive Study.
  • Sarala Banjara. Association between parental asthma medication use and development of asthma and allergies in offspring.

  • Gaël Benoit Joseph Beltrémieux. Norwegian resident's self-assessed understanding of AI in health.

  • Kala Chand Debnath. Functional consequences of metabolic interaction between oral cancer cells and fibroblasts.

  • Nazia Islam Disha. Role of evolutionary conserved residues in integrin a11 cytoplasmic tail function.

  • Robert Nuifondieng Foncha. Assessment of treatment outcomes of registered tuberculosis patients: A retrospective cohort analysis.

  • Osman Goni. The elusive functions of EXT1 and EXT2 Identification of motifs in EXT1 and EXT2 involved in complex formation  

  • Bhagya Janananda. Characterization of SIS (Small Indigenous fish Species) consumption pattern of 18-59-months-old children in coastal regions of Ghana.

  • Daria Kamelkova. Food insecurity and its association with mental health among Syrian refugees settled in Norway.

  • Heng Wei Khor. The roles and experiences of immigrant healthcare workers within the Norwegian healthcare system.

  • David Aaron Messing. Developing a framework for sustainable actions that civil society can undertake to mitigate the impact that microplastics have on human health. A scoping literature review.

  • Doaa Khalid Mohammed Osman. Transfusion guidelines and recruitment of blood donors to the patients with hemoglobinopathy in the Nordic countries.

  • Sweta Pathak. Association of socioeconomic status with linear growth in children up to 2 years of age.

  • Rahma Rasheed. Investigation of periductal extracellular matrix deposition in Sjögren’s Syndrome (Oral Sciences).

  • Saman Riaz. Human systemic and intestinal IgA responses against the mucinase YghJ following experimental infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.

  • Ragda Omar Abbasher Saleem. Mesenchymal Stem Cells’ Secretome Restores Impaired Osteogenic Capacity Induced by Oxidative Stress (Oral Sciences).                                               

  • Robin Mzati Sinsamala. The effect of sexual and reproductive health education and community dialogue on adolescent pregnancy rates: A cluster randomized trial in rural Zambia.

  • Katumi Tanko. Understanding trauma care in Ghana: the use of traditional bone setter practices: a narrative literature review. 

  • Dinbandhu Thakur Lohar. Oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists in Norway - a cross-sectional study.                                              

  • Varun Kumar Vijayakumar. Role of a digital clinical decision-support system in management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • Olawale Adedapo Adeosun. Palliative care services at Nkhoma, rural Malawi – A qualitative exploration of experiences of the care providers and the recipients.

  • Nikhil Arora.Association of maternal plasma total cysteine and growth among infants in Nepal: A cohort study.

  • Ahmed Barakat. Proteome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to identify potential biomarkers to assess the treatment efficacy in tuberculosis.

  • Pierina Alexandra Benavente Velando. Identifying viable policies for including Venezuelan refugees and migrants into the Peruvian health system.

  • Prabina Bhattarai. Overweight, obesity, physical inactivity and associated risk factors among women in Eastern Nepal.

  • Gabriel Dillon. Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities: A Multi-sited Case Study of Disability Support in Tanzania.

  • Magalie El Hajj. Herbal medicine use among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Lusaka Province, Zambia: a cross-sectional, multicentre study.

  • Olga Golburean. Knowledge, opinions and practices related to oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists and dental students in Moldova, Belarus and Armenia - A multi country cross-sectional study.

  • Muluken Argaw Haile. Impact of scaling up modern contraceptive coverage in Ethiopia: Sub-national cost effectiveness analysis.

  • Mengistu Bekele Hurissa. Cost-effectiveness of Saxagliptin compared with Glibenclamide as a second-line therapy added to Metformin in Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ethiopia.

  • Stephen Kabanda. Costs of hospitalisation for severe illness in HIV-1 exposed infants in Uganda: A prospective incidence-based cost of illness study.

  • Iman A Mohammed Ali. Mycobacterial antigen MPT64 specific polyclonal antibody production and validation for an immunohistochemistry based diagnostic test for extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

  • Tehjeeb Noor. The state of cultural competence of healthcare delivery system in High-income countries while providing service to immigrants and refugees: A systematic literature review study.

  • Nada Suliman. Are breast-feeding and bottle-feeding associated with malocclusion in the primary dentition? - A systematic review.

  • Shrijana Thapa. Accessing safe abortion services in a permissive legal context: exploring trajectories of abortion-seeking women in Kaski district, Nepal.

  • Pål Sebastian Vognstølen. Public perceptions and financial projections by introducing a marginal fuel levy to finance healthcare in Tanzania.


  • Rahima Shikur Ahmed. Cost-effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health education and access to modern contraceptives to prevent unintended adolescent pregnancy in rural Ethiopia: an economic evaluation.

  • Wondesen Nigatu Belete. Rolling out the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in Ethiopia: an economic evaluation.

  • Hannah Regitze Bond. A qualitative study exploring the acculturation processes among well adapted Somali females in Denmark.

  • Ege Su Caglar. Cost analysis of LAR Bergen.

  • Hongyu Chen. Tuberculosis retreatment outcomes globally 2000-2017: A systematic review.

  • Shoaib Hassan. Pre-diagnostic cost of extrapulmonary tuberculosis from patient perspective in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

  • Katja Jezkova Isaksen. Characteristics of parent-child sexuality communication in Zambia: A cross sectional study of adolescent girls and their parents.

  • Marte Bodil Rød Lamp. Health care and support systems for women and newborns around delivery in Buikwe district Uganda. A qualitative study.

  • Mizan Kiros Mirutse. The burden of household out-of-pocket health expenditure in Ethiopia: estimates from a nationally representative survey (2015-16).

  • Laura Musta. Family Resilience of Ivorian Refugee Families Living in the Ampain Refugee Camp in Ghana.

  • Khadija Hassan Olow. The association between tuberculosis disease and occurrence of asthma and nasal allergy: a pilot study.

  • Shuvashis Saha. Victims attending One-Stop Crisis Centers in Bangladesh- a study on Vilonece against Women.

  • Saima Samad. Comparin.g tuberculosis treatment outcomes in urban and rural areas of the Karachi,Sindh province of Pakistan.


  • Suraj Baniya. Body weight and tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Kaski district, Nepal.
  • Fatima Zohra Ben Mohamed. The Exostosin family: gene expression profiles and heparan sulfate mediated signaling in oral cancers.
  • Akash Kapali. Isoniazid Preventive therapy to children under five in households with tuberculosis patients in Kathmandu valley, Nepal.
  • Arooj Munir. Bioactive copolymer scaffold delivering human demineralised dentine matrix for bone regeneration.


  • Amalie Aase Boge. “A girl’s fertility is not her own”. Perceptions and experiences of contraceptive-use and family planning among women in Zanzibar.
  • Feven Girma. Femur Bone Fracture Treatment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis.
  • Mwila Lundamo. Adolescent’s perceptions of masculinity and femininity in the context of sexual and reproductive health in Southern Province, Zambia.
  • David Mukunya. "We shall count it as a part of kyogero". The acceptability of chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care in the cultural context of Central Uganda.
  • Doreen Pamba. Secrecy, shame and ambivalence in adolescent pregnancy prevention. Experiences from Mbeya, Tanzania.
  • Maija Rankinen.“To become independent and remain independent”. Living with mobility impairments in rural Peru.


  • Robin Cole. Obstetric professionals’ perceptions of caesarean delivery upon maternal request in Bergen, Norway.
  • Tsion Haileyesus Denegetu. Introducing a new protocol for the diagnosis and management of premature rupture of membrane at term in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Anna Vedel Hammer. Women’s choice of birthing place in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: a qualitative study.
  • Wegdan Hasha. Development of 3D Printed Scaffolds for Bone Regenerati.
  • Edeen Jalloh. Health workers’ challenges in providing care to under five children in peripheral health units within the Ebola context in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone. A qualitative study (Classical Grounded Theory).
  • Frances Clare Lubulwa. Adherence by birth attendants to life-saving guidelines in the Helping Babies Breathe action plan in Uganda.
  • Ruiting Zhao. Investigation of mechanisms leading to early aseptic loosening of hip prostheses. A retrieval study of 27 failed cases of cemented Spectron EF stem in combination with Reflection acetabular cup.


  • Gregory James Wielhorski Corosky. Staying healthy “under the sheets:” A qualitative community health study on experiences of sexual health among Inuit youth in Arviat, Nunavut.

  • Sara Yahia Eltayeb Ibrahim. Role of RvD1 on Osteogenic Factors Involved in the Inflammatory and Resolution Processes in Periodontal Periapical Lesions.

  • Asma Javed. Physical Disability and the Use of Assistive Devices in Pakistan. A case study on users’ perspectives in three rehabilitation centers of Peshawar and Islamabad.

  • Victoria Konstantinova. Nanotechnology in Dentistry.  Assessment of current knowledge of dental students on the use of nanomaterials in dentistry and investigation of nanoparticle internalization in a human oral mucosal model.

  • Chisala Deborah Meki: Welfare Sanitary Facilities for Market Traders in Lusaka District, Zambia.

  • Rachana Shrestha. Determinants of voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) uptake among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Nepal.

  • Mengs Tewelde. Assessment of dietary intake and body mass index in a nutritionally deprived population in rural Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Jessy Z’gambo. Occupational Hazards and Use of Personal Protective Equipment among Small Scale Welders in Lusaka, Zambia.

  • Yasir Shahzad. Involvement of the Retail Pharmacies in Pakistan Tuberculosis Control: Assessment of the knowledge of the retail pharmacy staff about tuberculosis and public tuberculosis Control Programme, and sale practices of anti-tuberculosis drugs in DI Khan city, Khyber Pukthoon Khwa Province, Pakistan.


  • Dalia Alawad: Frequency and Pattern of distribution of Oral Neoplasms among Sudanese attending KTDH.  Hospital-registry based cross sectional study, two data sets 2006-2007, 2010-2012.

  • Ephrem Bililigne Amare: Early childhood head circumference: Reference ranges for Ethiopian population.

  • Kathryn Rose Brignole: Temporal and Geopatial Analysis of Salmonella Typhi Infections in Children at Angkor Hospital for Children and Satellite Clinic in Two Districts in Siem Reap, Cambodia (2007-2012): A Retrospective Study

  • Min Ju Chan: Is antiretroviral medication adherence associated with self-compassion and HIV-related stigma among people living with HIV in Shanghai, China?

  • Rohini Jala: In vivo role of Semaphorin 6A in the development of an incisor tooth germ and its sensory innervation.

  • Olivia Lasrado: Hand Eczema and Musculo-skeletal Symptoms among Cleaners. Prevalence and immigrant status: a cross-sectional study in a Norwegian city.

  • Aneth Mkunde Mahande: Prevalence of parasitic infections and associations with pregnancy complications and outcomes in northern Tanzania: a registry-based cross-sectional study.

  • Dorah Elisonguo Mrema: The association of prepregnancy body mass index and changes of prepregnancy BMI/ body weight between pregnancies with risk of preeclampsia: a birth registry study from Tanzania.

  • Cecilie Nilsen: Trends in and socio-demographic factors associated with caesarian section at a large Tanzanian hopital, 2000 to 2013.

  • Everest Emeka Ojukwu: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis. Daptomycin susceptibility testing and resistance to quinolones.

  • Poonam Pandey: The in vivo function of Semaphorin3A in the innervation of the mandibular molar tooth germ in late postnatal and young adult mice.

  • Pritam Lal Shrestha: Usability and desirability of OpenXdata – an electronic data capture tool for data collection in health research.

  • Diwas Timilsina: Musculoskeletal Symptoms in adults in Kathmandu Metropolitan City: A Household survey.

  • Trude Thommesen: “I´m afraid, actually!” Midwives´ challenges in providing quality maternal and newborn care in health centres in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • Ibtihag Abdulbagi Yagoub: Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotype b in Biofilms versus Planktonic Cultures.


  • Rafal Al-Adhami: Incidence and dietary risk factors of goitre in children in a rural area/ D.R.Congo.

  • Jeanette Angelshaug: Increasing demand for health facility birth. A qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators for skilled care utilization in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

  • Linda Milimo Kampata: Individual and community level factors predicting condom use at last sexual encounter in the general population of a rural Zambian district.

  • Paul Kellner: Understanding Risks for and Responses to Transactional Sex in Urban Refugee Youth in Kampala, Uganda.

  • Åse Mørkve: “Getting rid of the plague”: jiggers removal program in Bungoma, Kenya. Community and health workers perspectives on tungiasis in a high prevalence area.

  • Binod Kumar Parmar: Differentiating intrauterine growth-restriction at a referral hospital in Nepal: Patan hospital.

  • Stefanie Schnabel: Meeting rehabilitation needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in an emergency medical response: a role for physiotherapy?


  • Salma Abubaker Abbas Ali: The in vivo role of semaphorin6a protein in development and morphogenesis of sensory innervation of postnatal stages of murine mandibular first molar tooth germ.

  • Hiba Mohamed Ali: Oral health in Sudanese children with congenital heart defects.

  • Jörn Blume: Challenges in oral administration of peri-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to HIV exposed breastfeeding infants. Sub-study of the ANRS 12174 trial in South Africa.

  • Janne Lillelid Gjerde: Female urinary incontinence: perceptions and practice. A qualitative study from Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

  • Gerd Gran: Interferon-gamma basert diagnostikk av tuberkulosesmitte hos helsepersonell i Helse Vest regionen i Norge.

  • Dewi Indriani: Community participation as a strategy in reducing maternal and child mortality in rural areas: A Literature review.

  • Julia Noshir Irani: Rebuilding life: A journey through the lives of women who have endured and been treated for obstetric fistula in Tanzani.

  • Bogdan Karovski: Ways to improve HIV counselling and testing services: Systematic literature review and use of the system in Thailand as a case study.

  • Allan Mushima Bulwanda Mukaya: Zambian newborns exposed to HIV and antiretroviral drugs: Evolution of neutrophil cell count in the first 6 months Sub-­study of the ANRS 12174 trial in Zambia.

  • Maitreyi Murthy: Assessment of the utility of repeat tuberculin testing: a prospective study of adolescents in a high tuberculosis prevalence setting in South India.

  • Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan: Molecular mechanisms of intergrin alpha 11.

  • Mark Gerard Musoba: Mobile Data collection in clinical trials. Integration of openClinica and openXdata to provide a mobile data collection solution.

  • Chola Nakazwe: The relationship between individual and neighbourhood socioeconomic factors and HIV prevalence in a national population based survey conducted in Zambia.

  • Kasusu Klint Nyamuryekung'e: Health and oral health related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors - a study of secondary school students in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

  • Nadia Raees: Clinical-anthropometrical mismatch in children of the rural area of Bwamanda, D.R. Congo.

  • Deepak Kumar Saini: Diagnostic utility of the tuberculin skin test and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube assay in children with probable intra-thoracic tuberculosis in India.

  • Yusra Adil A. Salih: Responses of Cementoblasts to Calcium Silicate Cement Root-end Filling Material.

  • Manjeswori Ulak: Cobalamin and folate status among young children in Bhaktapur, Nepal.

  • Dharma Rao Uppada: Diagnosing tuberculosis among 609 adolescents (aged 12-18 years) with symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis at the Palamaner diagnostic Centre, South India.


  • Mesfin Haile Assfaw: The prevalence of HIV among registered TB patients in public DOTS clinic of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa.

  • Owaisuddin Ahmed: openXdata Mobile Charts: Instant graphic reports on mobile devices. Prototype software development and system usability survey.

  • Cuthbert Kabero Butendeli: The concept of exploitation in medical and health related research files: Literature analysis.

  • Magdalena Bastías García: Tuberculosis burden in Region XV: Factors possibly related to the highest incidence rates of tuberculosis in Chile.

  • Ferda Gülcan: Self-reported oral health status, attitudes, knowlegde and behaviors among mothers attending family health centres: A study form Turkey.

  • Nelson Jesuraj: Feasibility, utility and acceptability of gastric aspiration and induced sputum sampling in young children for the diagnosis of mycobacterial infections; study conducted as part of the development of a TB vaccine site in South India. 

  • Merete Kolberg: Lower extremity neuromuscular deficits associated with obstetric fistula.

  • Kefilwe Sandra Koogotsitse: The epidemiological context of HIV in Botswana with focus on young people: A secondary analysis of a national populationbased survey.

  • Charles Clarke Lodda: Taking stock of the state of population health in East Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda) a decade after Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 & 6. A review of DHS and WHO data (1995-2010).

  • Rahel N. Manumbu: Prevalence of selected behavioral and biological risk factors for non-communicable diseases among males and female in Rungwe district, Mbeya region, Tanzania.

  • Tatiana Alvarez Marin: Intervention models in mental health for victims of disasters: Models and results.

  • Diana Mahelai: Comparison of Tuberculin Skin Test and QuantiFERON TB Gold in-tube assay for the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection and disease in young children; study conducted as part of the development of a TB vaccine site in Southern India.

  • Stephen Mucunguzi: Reduction of maternal mortality in Uganda: An evaluation of a district-wide free-of-charge 4-wheel drive ambulance for emergency obstetric care in Oyam district.

  • Wadeia Mohazub Ali Mohamed Nur: Assessment of oral impact on daily performance, dental caries, oral hygiene and periodontal disease among a group of adult dental patients in Sudan.

  • Karine Renaudie: Knowledge, attitudes and practices addressing young child diarrhoea in Moramanga, Madagascar: The MOSAIQUE cross cultural qualitative study.

  • Munawar Hussain Soomro: Treatment supporters and their impact on treatment outcomes in routine TB programme conditions in district Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

  • Mette Øxnevad: Perceptions and practices related to home based and facility based birth. A qualiative study from Agemssa, Ethiopia.


  • Sangita Bista: Public Health Response to HIV epidemics among IDUs in South Asia.

  • Cyril Chukwudi Dim: The growing burden of tuberculosis in Nigeria: trends of the disease prevalence and treatment outcome in Enugu state.

  • Meeru Gurung: Effect of zinc given to Nepalese children aged 2 to 35 months with pneumonia on thymus size after 3 and 6 months.

  • Jasmina Ilievska: End-of-life practices and experiences of health professionals and family members of terminally-ill patients in intensive care units in Macedonia: a qualitative research.

  • Toril Mørkve Knudsen: Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and reference values for lung function testing in Kinondoni district, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

  • Anne Kari Knutsen: Perceptions and beliefs on tuberculosis and the influence on health seeking behaviour. A qualitative study in Kinondoni district, Dar es Salaam.

  • Tesfaye Hordofa Leta: Factors Associated with Utilization of Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing among Men (aged 15-59 years) in Ethiopia.

  • Marit Müller: Restricting food marketing aimed at children as a measure to reduce childhood obesity. Evaluation of the Norwegian policies and comparison to the British situation. An exploratory qualitative study.

  • Gloria Sakwari: Dust exposures and respiratory health among coffee processing workers in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. 


  • Awor, Phyllis: Urgent Needs: A Literature Review of Strategies for Sustainable Access to Anti-retroviral Therapy for HIV/AIDS Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Diallo, Abdoulaye Hama: Epidemiology of perinatal mortality in rural Burkina Faso: A community-based prospective cohort study.

  • Fossdal, Linn Veronica Smedsrød: The moderating effects of social support and perceived control on acculturation stress. A qualitative study among labour immigrants in Norway

  • Jeremiah, Kidola: Predictors of sputum conversion among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Mwanza, Tanzania

  • Lome, Solomon Oljira: Determinants of modern family planning utilization among young women (15-24 years) in Ethiopia.

  • Ngilangwa, David: Couple HIV counselling and testing in northern Tanzania: Prevalence and predictors of HIV-1 infection among cohabiting couples presenting for CHCT services in Moshi and Arusha municipalities.

  • Parajuli, Ranjan: Awareness and prevalence of acute mountain sickness and prevalence of obstructive airflow limitation among Nepalese porters: A cross-sectional study in Khumbu Valley, Nepal

  • Senkoro, Mbazi: Assessment of Sputum smear microscopy and culture conversion rates among HIV positive and HIV negative smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients starting tuberculosis treatment in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

  • Skogen, Cathrine Kornmo: A cross sectional survey to assess prevalence of coerced sex and attitudes towards sexual violence among youths in selected secondary schools in Uganda

  • Spjeldnæs, Astrid Onarheim: Factors influencing malaria prevention and care - seeking patterns in Rufiji district, Tanzania: implications for public health


  • Basnet, Rajendra: Delay in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Banke District, Nepal.

  • Bwalya, Doreen: Chronic respiratory symptoms among the workers at Ndola limestone factory in Zambia.

  • Haimbe, Prudence Michelo: Assessment of occupational injuries and fatalities associated with copper mining in Zambia.

  • Kayondo, Josephine Zalwango: Exploring factors associated with early childhood caries and with first time exposure to sugared foods and drinks: a study of 6-36 months old Ugandan children.

  • Koricho, Absera Teshome: The fear of mother’s milk in the era of HIV: A qualitative study among HIV positive mothers and health professionals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • Kyamba, Neema Jimmy: Challenges of living with diabetes in resource poor settings in Mbulu, Tanzania.

  • Mirkuzie, Alemnesh Hailemariam: Utilization of PMTCT services in Awassa town, Ethiopia.

  • Mork, Margrethe: “How could I take my pills when I can’t even afford food?” Barriers to adherence to antiretroviral treatment for HIV infected adults in Ethiopia.

  • Mwangala, Sheila Monde: Determinants of self-perceived risk of HIV infection: population-based observations in Zambia.

  • Njunga, John: Infant feeding experiences of HIV positive mothers enrolled in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) programs - the case for rural Malawi.

  • Yiga, Dominic Bukenya: Impact of anti-retroviral therapy on sexual behaviour among Villa-Maria hospital clients, Masaka district, Uganda.


  • Beshah, Ferehiwet Gebremariam: Malnutrition among Young Children in Boricha, Sidama, Ethiopia.

  • Bikilla, Asfaw Demissie: Economic Evaluation of Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) in Ethiopia: Cost-Effectiveness of ART at a District Hospital.

  • Chang, Yaping: Epidemiological profile and treatment outcome of tuberculosis cases in Yueyanglou district, China.

  • Chipimo, Peter Jay: Mental Distress and the Impact of HIV: Data from a Population-Based Survey in Zambia.

  • Diwan, Vishal: Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria (Escherichia coli) in different aquatic compartments of two hospitals and their surrounding areas in Ujjain District, India–a pilot study.

  • Dræge, Trine-Lise: The Role of Men in the Maintenance and Change of Female Genital Cutting in Eritrea

  • Grönberg, Wiveca: Social support in HIV/AIDS prevention with girl street children in Guatemala.

  • Kandal, Øivind: L'Histoire du Manioc et du Konzo en Afrique Centrale.

  • Khanal, Rajesh Prasad: The fate of injecting drug users and HIV in South Asia. A systematic review.

  • Khitdee, Chiraporn: Health Seeking Behaviour among Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand: A Literature review.

  • Mutayoba, Beatrice Kemilembe: Targeted Active Case Finding in Household Contacts of Smear Positive Tuberculosis Patients in a High Incidence Urban Setting

  • Mwandishi, Robert Solomon: Assessing women’s contraceptive use. A triangulation study from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

  • Nahar, Nazmun: Local health practices and health seeking explanations in some Bangladeshi areas: Focus on food and sickness.

  • Nair, Sherena: Early intervention program in Down syndrome children – Evaluating parental satisfaction at the Kiwanis foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • Nazarova, Sayora: Women’s health conceptions and cure seeking behavior in Tacob village, Tajikistan: A focus on STDs.

  • Oluwatosin, Kuti: The disease burden of HIV related Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Sub-Saharan Africa in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.

  • P'oboth, Owor Stephen: Community Based Study on Knowledge, Practice and Perception of HIV-Voluntary Counseling and Testing for Couples in Tororo, Uganda.

  • Qureshi, Samera Azeem: Patient and Health System Delays: Health-Care Seeking Behavior and Symptoms among Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in Pakistan

  • Shilpa, Balgam: Cohort analysis of tuberculosis cases in Gujarat State in India: Challenging drug resistance?

  • Shumbullo, Eskindir Loha: Is HIV prevalence associated with poverty?

  • Tafesse, Eskedar Solomon: Home Based Care for HIV Patients in Awassa, Southern Ethiopia: The Role of Family Members and Community Home Based Caregivers.

  • Zyaambo, Cosmas Mudenda: Determinants of Health Care Seeking and Hospitalization in Zambia: Data from a Population-Based Survey

  • Yaliso Yaya: Transmission of Tuberculosis in Households: A Study from Gamo Gofa, South Ethiopia


  • Abate, Hareg Getachew: Self disclosure of HIV serostatus among people living with HIV/AIDS in Abbis Ababa, Ethiopia. Contribution to HIV prevention

  • Akalu, Masresha G.: Barriers to antiretroviral treatment adherence for patients living with HIV infections and AIDS in Arba Minch Hospital, Southern Ethiopia

  • Banda, Richard: The impact of HIV on fertility: Evidence from population based surveys conducted in Zambia

  • Byamugisha, Robert: Male involvement in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIVprogramme in Mbale, Uganda

  • Kien, Vu Duy: Cost- effectiveness of a 100% condom use programme to prevent HIV infection for female sex workers in An Giang, Vietnam

  • Kilale, Andrew Martin: Determinants for introduction of community involvement in tuberculosis treatment in Mbulu district; Manyara Tanzania

  • Mutale, Wilbroad: Acceptability of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) in Zambia

  • Ndugulile, Lillian: Mothers’ knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania

  • Noparast, Maryam: Breast cancer treatment in Iran

  • Rahman , Md. Hamidur: Association between ammonia exposure and respiratory health effect among the workers of urea fertilizer factory at Ghorashal, Bangladesh

  • Surajika, Jayasinghe A. Nishalie: Exploring health related issues of landmine victims in Sri Lanka

  • Wei, Qui: Tuberculosis awareness in China: A study of various population s in urban Jinzhou City

  • Zeleke, Zeyede K.: Exposure to dust and respiratory effects with special focus on cement dust


  • Abdul-Majeed, Nibras Ayad: Fissure caries and bacteria of first permanent molars and caries risk factors in 12-year-old schoolchildren in Baghdad, Iraq.

  • Cristea, Calin-Alexandru: Periodontal pathogens in combined periodontal-endodontic lesions.

  • Feleke, Yeweyenhareg: Studies of addision’s disease in Ethiopia.

  • Huong, Pham Thi Mai: Oral health status and oral care habits in type 2 diabetic patients and non-diabetic controls in Hanoi, Vietnam.

  • Josephson, Mogga Stanley: Host parasite relationship in M.tuberculosis infection. The role of apoptosis in understanding the biology of m.tuberculosis evasion mechanisms.

  • Kulasekara, Mudiyanselage Keerthi: Role of basement membrane proteins on oral cancer invasion: An immunohistochemical study using in vitro organotypic cell culture models of normal and neoplastic oral mucosa.

  • Mphahele, Matsie Theodora: Pyrazinamide resistance among multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from South-African pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

  • Thai, Pham Quang: Outcome and impact of an HIV preventive project in An Giang province, Vietnam.

  • Tikas, Triinu: Drug use among Russian-speaking minority.

  • Zulu, Richard: Improving the effectiveness of HIV prevention among young people. A study on factors affecting differential HIV transmission trends in two selected sites in Zambia.


  •  Bachou, Hanifa: Malnutrition in children admitted to mulago hospital, Uganda: Prevalence, mortality & associated factors.
  • Berhe, Hailu Tesfaye: Morbidity pattern among HIV-1 infected and uninfected Ethiopian Children admitted to a district hospital in Southern Ethiopia.

  • Buregyeya, Esther: Factors associated with HIV risk behaviour among employees of Kakira sugar works in Jinja district, Uganda.

  • Draghincescu, Roxana: In vitro antibacterial effect of the carisolv-2 system.

  • Gombachika, Belinda Thandizo: Experiences of HIV-positive pregnant women: A qualitative study from Lilongwe urban, Malawi.

  • Katoba, Juliet: Syphilis trends and relationship with changes in HIV prevalence among antenatal clinic attendees in Zambia.

  • Klungsøyr, Jørn Ivar: Handheld computers for data collection in field research in Uganda. Development of EpiHandy and field tests.

  • Lwin, Thandar: Drug resistant tuberculosis in Yangon, Myanmar.

  • Mamuya, Simon Henry David: Assessment of dust, quartz and respiratory symptoms among coal mine workers in Kiwira, Tanzania.

  • Mulat, Tesfaye: Clinical and awareness assessment of burns in Ethiopia.


  • Chandyo, Ram Krishna: Cobalamin and folate status among women of reproductive age in Bhaktapur, Nepal.

  • Degu, Shiferaw: Cleft lip and palate (Cheilo-Gnatho-Palatochisis) in Ethiopia; prevalence, social and health implications with special emphasis on oral health

  • Kassa, Dejene Hailu: Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of secondary school students about HIV/AIDS in Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia

  • Keobouahome, Bounelome: Issues on health insurance and universal coverage in Lao PDR.

  • Rakgole, Johnny Nare: Evaluation of a molecular diagnostic technique for identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients with acid-fast bacilli smear-negative sputum specimens.

  • Shaaly, Aishath: Comparison of serotyping, pulsed field gel electrophoresis and amplified fragment length polymorphism for typing of streptococcus pneumoniae.

  • Wamani, Henry: Feeding practices and nutrition status with their potential determinants for infants and young children less than 2 years of age, Hoima district, Uganda.

  • Waruru, Anthony Kabui: Exploring audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (ACASI) for information gathering on infant feeding in the context of HIV.


  • Ampofo, Brenya: Substance abuse in Ghana: The case of remar rehabilitation centres.

  • Gabaake, Kebabonye P.: Exploring the Namibian refugees' experiences with camp life: The case of Dukwi camp, Botswana.

  • Joshi, Sunil K: Analysis of possible occupational related lung cancer among the patients attending Bhaktapur Cancer Care Centre, Bhaktapur, Nepal. A pilot study.

  • Kelaeng, Moses Oukame: Safety performance in building construction industry. The effect of feedback using scaffolds as an example.

  • Mwanza, Jean Claude: Neuro-ophthalmologic disturbances and visual evoked potential in Konzo, a neurologic disorder in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Ogwell, Ezra Ouma: Assessing and explaining use of tobacco among primary school students in Kenya.

  • Salpou, Daniel: Ultrasound assessment of gestational age. Reference charts for Cameroon.


  •  AbdelRahman, Howaida Faisal: In vitro antimicrobial effects and preliminary chemical composition of different Salvadora persica crude extracts – with specific reference to miswak and oral microbes.
  • Amare, Be-ede Lemma: International prostate symptom score and uroflowmetry for Ethiopian patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and urethral stricture.

  • Chamorro Ibarra, Alexandra: Satisfaction with dental care in Nicaragua: A study among non-civil workers at the Mauricio abdalah dental clinic in Managua, Nicaragua.

  • Didilescu, Andreea C.: Dental plaque as a reservoir of respiratory pathogens. A study of Romanian hospitalized chronic lung-diseased patients.

  • El-Kord, Eyad I.: Effects of sulfur, seleno-substituted fatty acids on superoxide radical generation in polymorphonuclear cells.

  • Georgescu, Carmen Elena: Validated chemical immersion disinfection of dental alginate impressions using aqueous sodium hypochlorite.

  • Iakimtchouk, Konstantin: A possible viral etiology of primary Sjögren’s syndrome.

  • Jukneliene, Dalia: Assessment of the microbiota of subgingival dental plaque in Lithuanian periodontal patients.

  • Kempinen, Marina: Occupational health risk assessment of chemical agents used in a surgical department of a hospital in Estonia. With special reference to nitrous oxide and formaldehyde.

  • Lepisk, Katrin: Occupational health risk assessment among brewery workers. With special reference to noise exposure.

  • Mashoto, Kijakazi Obed: Clinical and subjective indicators of dental fluorosis: A study among secondary school children and the opinion of "dental students" in Tanzania.

  • Materu, Jerome William: Risk assessment of respiratory symptoms among workers exposed to cotton dust in textile industries in Tanzania.

  • Olsnes, Carla: Monocyte-squamous cell carcinoma interactions: Impact on metastasis.

  • Owusu-Amoako, Margaret: Nutritional status and humoral immune response in Ghanaian children.

  • Puso, Kwele Kegalale: The magnitude of injury problem at Botswana meat commission plant in Lobatse.

  • Segokgo, Morgan Odirile: Noise exposure, its related subjective symptoms, availability and use of hearing protection devices (HPDs) among blue-collar workers in textile factories in Botswana.


  • Abdulkader, Amina: Assessing maternal mortality in Afabet sub-district northern Red Sea Zone, Eritrea.

  • Dhakal, Sanjaya: Impact of vitamin A supplementation to mothers in the postpartum period and their infants at routine immunisation contacts during early infancy on vitamin A status at 6 and 9 months of age.

  • Gossoma, Belay Roma: Surgical wound infection and bacterial resistance in Sidama, South Ethiopia.

  • Kamwela, Jerome: Assessing oral health related quality of life. A survey among young adults attending higher learning institutions in Tanzania.

  • Li, Lingli: A novel pathway for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine.

  • Makundi, Emanuel: Community social valuation. Disability and disease in two selected communities. A study in Temeke and Moshi districts, Tanzania.

  • Mtaya, Matilda: Self-reported oral health behaviours, knowledge, beliefs and sources of oral health information among students attending higher learning institutions in Tanzania.

  • Munanura, Benon Muranga: Early-onset Periodontitis in Adolescents and Young Adults in Uganda.

  • Mwansasu, Andwele: Detection of HSV in genital ulcers from STD patients in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

  • Myers, Lugemwa: User-financing in four Ugandan Public Hospitals knowledge, attitudes and perceived impact among key stakeholders.

  • Nega, Kidano Estifanos: Epidemiology of burn injuries in Mekele, Tigray, North Ethiopia

  • Tomic-Cica, Anja: 5-year retrospective review of cervical smears diagnosed as negative or low-grade squamous intraepithelial. Lesion in women with tissue-proven high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.

  • Tuwor, George: Assessing the feasibility of studying the impact of nutrient supplementation on growth and some aspects of the humoral immune system. A pilot study with Ghanaian children.


  • Asfaw, Berhane Siraw: Polyneuropathy in Norway and Ethiopia.

  • Blay, Amina: Adolescents’ knowledge, attitude and behaviour related to oral health: A study from Awutu-Effutu-Ssenya district in Ghana.

  • Hanganu, Stela Carmen: Clinical and microbiological status in Romanian Schoolchildren after six years of application of two caries preventive programmes.

  • Islam, Rafiqul: Ethical issues in the physician patient relationship and resource allocation in health care in Bangladesh.

  • Kiwelu, Ireen: Envelope subtyping of primary HIV-1 isolates from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

  • Masokoyih, Watiti Jackson: Oral health related behaviours, knowledge and beliefs among Ugandan primary school student teachers. A study carried out in Kampala and Mbale districts.

  • Tadesse, Selamawit: TGF-b expression in slowly progressive primary and latent murine tuberculosis.

  • Ungureanu, Cristina Gabriella: Study on cell death with specific reference to apoptosis in human periapical granulomas and cysts.

  • Wandwalo, Eluid Richard: Delay in management of pulmonary tuberculosis. A study of the magnitude and factors responsible for delay in case finding and treatment of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Mwanza, Tanzania.


  • Aboud, Said: Antibodies to tetanus toxoid in women of childbearing, age and children in Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo, Tanzania

  • Chen, Xin: Antioxidant Properties of Sulphur, Seleno-Substituted Fatty Acids - Interaction with superoxide radical.

  • Eseko, Nicholas: Analysis of maternal and perinatal care systems in Tanzania and assessment of the actual situation in Arusha Region.

  • Kida, Irene Anderson: Recall and perception of school based oral health education and factors affecting oral health related behaviour - A study among adolescents attending secondary schools, in Kibaha District, Tanzania.

  • Mwangosi, Ibrahim E. A. T.: Suitability of present and future primary school teachers as oral health educators in Tanzania.

  • Seth, Adu-Afarwuah: Effect of fish-protein supplementation on some aspects of humoral immunity: A study with Ghanaian children.

  • Tadesse, Azeb: Organ specific in vivo and in vitro cytokine production in chronic murine tuberculosis.

  • Wandera, Margaret: Fluoride exposure in pre-school children in Kasese District, Uganda.


  • Masenga, Elisante John: Atopic dermatitis: A clinical and epidemiological study in a village in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.

  • Skov, Marianne: Nutrition and humoral immunity in Ghanian children - Effects of fish protein supplementation to traditional fermented maize diets.

  • Toppe, Jogeir: Fisk si rolle for jodstatus i eit u-landsperspektiv. Hovedfagsoppgave i ernæringsbiologi.

  • Zheng, Nai Ying: Effects of two bacterial immunomodulators on macrophages in vitro and in vivo.


  • Berg, Graziella Van den: Sexual relations in the making: The case of school adolescents in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

  • Kessy, Anna Tengia: Prevalence and risk factors for HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases among youth in Moshi rural district, Kilimanjaro region.

  • Muna, Ziad A.: On the antioxidant effect of the 3-Thia Fatty Acids


  • Lund , Britt Kjersti: Protein malnutrition and effects on humoral immunity (Cand.scient).

  • Susort, Sissel Tjøstheim: Fermentert fisk som proteintilskudd i avvenningsdietter i utviklingsland.

  • Tarimo, Donath S.: The association of intestinal parasites with chronic diarrhoea in adult AIDS patients in North-Eastern Tanzania.


  • Fekadu, Z.: Social-psychological factors associated with contraceptive attitudes of women in the Kechene community - an investigation into the missing correlates. ISBN 82-912108-8-7

  • Lugoe, Wycliffe L.: A study of HIV risk behaviour among secondary school pupils in Arusha, Tanzania. ISBN 82-992108-7-9

  • Melesse, F.: The impact of early psycho-social intervention (THE MISC PROGRAM) on the quality of mother-child interaction in Ketchene community ( Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). ISBN 82-992108-60

  • Ngomuo, Eliringia Tumbo: Perceptions of AIDS and AIDS prevention strategies among health workers in Moshi rural district, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. ISBN 82-99-2108-9-5

  • Van den Bergh, Graziella: Sexual relations in the making: the case of school adolescents in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro

  • Velcescu, Cristina: Bacteria and host responses in periodontal diseases with special reference to three key pathogens in Romanian adult patients


  • Ole-King`ori: Socio-cultural factors and HIV transmission in Arusha and Kilimanjaro. (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam)

  • Wolde-Michael, Yohannes Ghebrat: Diarrhoea in children under 5 years of age in Asmara, Eritrea: The role of Rotaviral and protozoan infections


  • Blystad, Astrid: The pastoral Barabaig: Fertility, Recycling and the Social Order (Cand.Polit.)

  • Østerberg, Rune: Bruk av leirmaterialer til billig defluoridering av drikkevann (Cand.real)


  • Rekdal, Ole Bjørn: Endring og kontinuitet i Iraqw samfunn og kultur