Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier
Internasjonal filosofikonferanse

NWS: Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Mind & Naturalism

Det nordiske Wittgenstein-selskapet arrangerer 12.-13. juni sin sjette internasjonale konferanse om Wittgenstein, denne gang i Bergen. Nærmere omtale på konferansespråket nedenfor. Se også vedlagt endelig program.

Nordic Wittgenstein Society
Nordic Wittgenstein Society


"It has become a commonplace to say that Wittgenstein was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. While substantial numbers of articles and monographs on Wittgenstein continue to be produced, however, his thought (or Wittgensteinian philosophy more broadly) often seems absent from philosophical debates where the agenda has been set by various forms of scientific naturalism, especially in the philosophy of mind. This conference, “Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Mind & Naturalism” will bring together both leading thinkers and younger philosophers with the aim of remedying this situation by exploring the interface between Wittgenstein’s philosophy and central topics in contemporary philosophy of mind. Confirmed invited speakers are Charles Travis (Kings College), Julia Tanney (Kent), Paul Snowdon (UCL), Bill Child (Oxford), Bjørn Ramberg (Oslo), Dorit Bar-On (Connecticut), Charles Travis (London), and Jonathan Knowles (NTNU).

The focus of the conference will not be exegetical per se, since its primary aim is to facilitate contact between diverse philosophical viewpoints rather than to explicate Wittgenstein’s work. 

The principal organizers are Kevin Cahill (Bergen) and Thomas Raleigh (NTNU Trondheim). 

Dates and location for the conference are June 12-13, 2015 in Bergen, Norway.   

Registration fee of 500 Norwegian Crowns (approximately $70) covers lunch and coffee for two days.

Those interested in attending should direct their inquiries to Kevin Cahill."


Konferansen har fått støtte fra prosjektet Representationalism or Anti-Representationalism og fra Bergen universitetsfond.
