Det juridiske fakultet

Polycentric Climate Governance in Action

Prosjektet er en del av LEG-ARCH prosjektet (Legal Architecture of Climate Politics) som er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Det juridiske fakultet og Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet.

Amazon rainforest from space
Polycentric climate governance in action: study of the interaction between Norwegian and Amazonian agricultural policy for climate change. Prosjektet ledes av postdoktor Catalina Vallejo.


Dette underprosjektet, en studie av samspillet mellom norsk og amazonisk landbrukspolitikk for klimaendringer, ledes av postdoktor Catalina Vallejo.


This project seeks to contribute to the general objective of the LEG-ARCH project: to better understand the causes and consequences of the legal architecture of climate policies. The study analyses climate policy across Norway and the Amazonian States Ecuador and Colombia, focusing on the agriculture policy domain (fisheries and forestry). It investigates the interaction between conservation initiatives for Ecuador and Colombia recently funded in Norway, and national/local regulations and conservation practices in these two Amazonian countries.