LINGCLIM: Klimadebattens språkbruk og tolkninger


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Masterclass and theory of science and ethics presentation

On Monday 19 June 2023, PhD candidate Runa Falck (IF) conducted her masterclass, and PhD candidate Johanna Gunn (IF) presented her chapter on theory of science and ethics for her PhD project.

PhD candidate Runa Falck.
PhD candidate Johanna Gunn.
PhD candidate Johanna Gunn.


On Monday 19 June 2023, PhD candidate Runa Falck (IF) conducted her masterclass, and PhD candidate Johanna Gunn (IF) presented her chapter on theory of science and ethics for her PhD project. Both performed brilliantly. Both Falck and Gunn are associated with the LINGCLIM research group


Gisle Andersen, researcher II at NORCE, organized a masterclass for PhD candidate Runa Falck with her PhD project "Public Perceptions of the Individual's Role regarding Climate Change Mitigation".

The project is part of the research group LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle, which studies language use related to questions and debates about climate change, energy transition and lifestyle, in an interdisciplinary perspective.

The masterclass was organized by the Research School of Linguistics and Philology (a collaboration between IF and LLE). 


Johanna Gunn presented her chapter on theory of science and ethics for her PhD project "Références et polyphonie dans les discours climatiques. Comparaison entre science, médias et communication politique." ("Referenser och polyfoni i klimatdiskurser. Jämförelse mellan vetenskap, media och politisk kommunikation"). 

Supervisors are associate professor Øyvind Gjerstad (UiB) and associate professor Fanny Rinck (Université Grenoble Alpes).

Johanna Gunn describes her project in the following manner: "The project falls within the field of discourse analysis and enunciative approaches (linguistique de l'énonciation) in linguistics. It aims to analyze discourses that deal with climate change in three distinct genres (scientific articles, written press and political communication) and draws on theories of polyphony to examine references to sources in these genres of discourse (references to works, references to people, more allusive references to attested points of view in the field concerned)."

We wish Runa Falck and Johanna Gunn the best of luck on their respective future paths!