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Disputation: Liv Bolstad Hysing


Liv Bolstad Hysing defends Friday, 28.10.2011 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen, with the dissertation:

”Exploring and exploiting the potential of IMRT to spare the bowel”.

Time and place of trial lectures:
27.10.2011, at. 13.15. Topic: Image-guided and adaptive radiotherapy of pelvic tumors
Auditorium 2, Building for Biological Sciences, Jonas Lies vei 91

Time and place for the defense:
28.10.2011, at. 11.30, Auditorium 4, Building for Biological Sciences, Jonas Lies vei 91

1. opponent:  Dr. Claudio Fiorino, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italia

2. opponent: Professor Ben Heijmen, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Nederland

3. member of the committee: Førsteamanuensis Linda Elin B. Stuhr, University of Bergen


The defense is led by professor Clive Bramham

You are all welcome