Artificial Intelligence in Education
The aim of the course is to give an understanding of central perspectives, theoretical foundations and concepts related to the use of artificial intelligence for learning and teaching.

Course leader
Barbara Wasson, Professor and Director of the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen.
Course co-leaders
Mohammad Khalil, Senior researcher of Learning Analytics at SLATE, UiB
Anja Salzmann, Postdoctoral researcher at SLATE, UiB
Course lecturers
Raquel Coelho, Researcher, SLATE, UiB
Paul Prinsloo, Professor, University of South Africa
Course description
AI in Education (AIED) is a research field that examines the integration and application of artificial intelligence technologies in education. It encompasses a wide range of AI-driven tools, techniques, and applications such as intelligent tutoring, learning analytics, generative ai, designed to enhance various aspects of teaching and learning, streamline administrative tasks, and make education more accessible, efficient, and effective.
However, ethical considerations, data privacy, data literacy, and responsible AI usage are essential aspects that need to be carefully addressed to ensure that AI technologies in education benefit students and educators.
The course encourages critical thinking about the technological, pedagogical, ethical, social, and legal implications of AI in educational contexts, equipping students with the knowledge to reflect on its responsible use in education.
Learning outcomes
The students will:
- understand the historical and contemporary perspectives on artificial intelligence in education
- understand key concepts related to an interdisciplinary perspective on artificial intelligence in education
- have hand-on experience with AI in education and learning analytic tools and methods
- discuss the dimensions of ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence in education
- be able to critically evaluate the implications of the use of artificial intelligence in education
- use key concepts from the course in their own research or teaching
Suggested literature / reading list
Gillani, N., Eynon, R., Chiabaut, C. & Finkel, K. (2023). Unpacking the ‘Black Box’ of AI in Education, Educational Technology & Society 26(1), 99–111.
Holmes, W., Persson, J., Chounta, I-A, Wasson, B & Dimitrova, V. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Council of Europe.
Luckin, R., Cukurova, M., Kent, C. & du Boulay, B. (2022), Empowering educators to be AI-ready. Computer and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 2022, 100076.
Lui, Q. & Khalil, M. (2023). Understanding privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics using a systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology, , 00, 1–33.
Selected papers from:
Niemi, Hannele, N., Roy, P. & Lu, Y. (Editors) (2023). AI in Learning: Designing the Future. Springer Nature. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-09687-7 Available at:
Participation at the BSRS is credited under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Participants submitting an essay, in a form of a publishable manuscript of 10-20 pages, after the end of the summer school will receive 10 ECTS. Deadline for submission will be decided by your course leader.
It is also possible to participate without producing an essay. This will give you 5 ECTS. In order to receive credits, we expect full participation in the course-specific modules, plenary events and roundtables.
Course leaders
Barbara Wasson is a professor and Director of the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). Wasson was one of 3 founders and an Executive Leader of the EU Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope on Technology Enhanced Learning. She was a member of the Norwegian Ministry expert group on learning analytics, is the Norwegian representative to European Schoolnet Data Interest Group, and a member of the Council of Europe’s expert group on Artificial Intelligence and Education.
Since 2022 Wasson has held over 15 keynotes/invited talks, and participated in 4 European webinars, on learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education.
Mohammad Khalil, PhD, is a senior researcher of Learning Analytics at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen. His research interests focus on understanding online learning behavior based on students' digital traces in virtual environments.
His other research interests include privacy and ethics, visualizations, and artificial intelligence in education. Khalil is the author of over 70 research papers in scholarly journals and international conferences in the areas of Learning Analytics and Technology-Enhanced Learning.
Anja Salzmann is a postdoctoral researcher at SLATE, a national centre for learning and technology at the University of Bergen. In her doctoral work, she researched how journalists use complex digital infrastructures and what long-term consequences unregulated data extraction and digital surveillance have for democracy.
In her current research, she focuses mainly on issues related to the responsible development and use of various risk technologies, such as the use of artificial intelligence in education. Salzmann is an active social debater and stands for a human-centric, sustainable digitalisation that promotes fundamental human rights, justice and democracy.