
For ansatte


Uib museum building

Application portal for Funds and Bequests

An overview of the foundations possible to apply funds/grants from, including information on who can apply and what you can apply for.
UiB Strategy
planet earth

UiB strategy 2023–2030

The University of Bergen’s strategy for 2023 – 2030 highlights our values, our strengths and our role in society. It outlines how we will further develop the university in line with these priorities.
Ukrainsk flagg i vinden

Information for students and employees about Ukraine

Here you can find relevant information for students and employees, regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The information will be updated.


Security centre at UiB: +47 55 58 80 81 (staffed 24-hours a day)

If there is a risk to life, health or safety, you must always first notify the fire brigade (110), police (112) or ambulance services (113)

Safety at University of Bergen