Institutt for sosialantropologi


Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
2012 [with Inge Tvedten] Fremtidens globale byer (op. ed.) Aftenposten [newspaper], 03.12.12.

2012 Moving at the margins to re-centre anthropology. Interview with Bruce Kapferer. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2012, 23(2): 182-197. [See also the online and fully referenced version of the same interview available here].

2012 Iver B. Neumann "Tilbake til Durkheim. Staten og antropologien" (bokanmeldelse). Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 23(2): 198-200.

2012 Eusébio (Eusébio da Silva Ferreira), in Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Emmanuel Akyeampong (eds) Dictionary of African Biography. Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 316-317.

2012 Ngungunyane, in in Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Emmanuel Akyeampong (eds) Dictionary of African Biography. Volume 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 465-466.

Bezabeh, Samson Abebe
[forthcoming 2012] Living Across Digital Landscapes: Muslims, Orthodox Christians and an Indian Guru in Urban Ethiopia, in Rosalind Hackett and Benjamin Soares (eds) New Media and Religious Transformation in Africa. Indiana : Indiana University Press.

2012 Terje Østebø, 'Localizing Salafism: Religious Change among Oromo Muslims in Bale, Ethiopia (book review). Contemporary Islam, 7(1).

2012 Between Wadiya and China: Djibouti and the recent reform of the Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP). Article published on the Focus on the Horn website, available at at http://focusonthehorn.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/between-wadiya-and-china-... .

Bjelland, Anne Karen
2012 "Helseferie vest ved havet". Bygdeutvikling og markedsføring av lokalt særpreg, in Mary Bente Bringslid (ed.) Bygdeutviklingas paradoks. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press,  pp. 119-142.

[with Christine Øye] 2012 Deltagende observasjon i fare? En vurdering av noen forskningsetiske retningslinjer og godkjenningsprosedyrer. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 23(2): 143-157.

Blanes, Ruy Jesus Llera
2012 Moral Circumscriptions: Involuntary Mobility, Diaspora and Ideological Configurations in the Angolan Tokoist Church, Canadian Journal of African Studies 46(3): 367-380.

2012 O Tempo dos Inimigos. Reflexões sobre uma Antropologia da Repressão no Século XXI [The Time of the Enemies. Reflections on an Anthropology of Repression in the 21st Century], Horizontes Antropológicos, 18(37): 261-284. Link (Open Access).

2012 Missão, mobilidade e fronteira: a Igreja de Filadélffia e os ciganos na Península Ibérica [Mission, Mobility and Frontier: the Gypsy Filadelfia Church in the Iberian Peninsula], in José Gabriel Bastos (ed.),Portugueses Ciganos e Ciganofobia em Portugal. Lisbon: Colibri / CEMME – FCSHUNL, pp. 129-139.

Bringslid, Mary Bente
[ed.] 2012 Bygdeutviklingas paradoks. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.

2012 Bygdeutvikling når alternativet er avvikling: innleiing, in Mary Bente Bringslid (ed.) Bygdeutviklingas paradoks. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, pp. 7-36.

Cimdina, Agnese
2012 An Anthropology of Marketplace Behavior: Aspects of embeddedness in Norwegian entrepreneurship in the Baltics. PhD thesis. Department of social anthropology, University of Bergen, p. 360.


Eriksen, Annelin
2012 The pastor and the prophetess: An analysis of gender and Christianity in Vanuatu. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18(1): 103-122.

Fosshagen, Kjetil
2012 The apotheosis of the individual: Unni Wikan's anthropology. Social Analysis, 56(3): 117-135.

Frøystad, Kathinka
2012 The Mediated Guru: Simplicity, Instantaneity and Change in Middle-Class Religious Seeking, in Jacob Copeman and Aya Ikegame (eds.) The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 181-201.

2012 Divine intersections: Hindu ritual and the incorporation of religious others. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4(2): 1-21.

Gulbrandsen, Ørnulf
2012 The State and the Social. State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, p. 356.


Hviding, Edvard
2012 Compressed Globalization and Expanding Desires in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, in Aud Talle and Signe Howell (eds) Returns to the Field. Indiana University Press, pp. 203-229.

[with Tim Bayliss-Smith] 2012 Irrigated Taro, Malaria and the Expansion of Chiefdoms: Ruta in New Georgia, Solomon Islands, in Matthew Spriggs, David Addison and Peter J. Matthews (eds) Irrigated Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Indo-Pacific: Biological, Social and Historical Perspectives. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, pp. 219-254.

Jacobsen, Christine M.
[with M. Andersson, J. Rogstad and V. Vestel] 2012 Nye stemmer – kritiske hendelser: Politisk engasjement og transnasjonal orientering i det nye Norge Oslo: Universitetsforlaget , 2012.

[with Mette Andersson] 2012 'Gaza in Oslo': Social imaginaries in the political engagement of Norwegian minority youth. Ethnicities, 12(6): 821-843.

[with Oddbjørn B. Leirvik] 2012 Norway, Muslim Populations, in Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 4. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 441-454.


Haaland, Gunnar
2012 Samfunn: En prosessforståelse, in Kenneth Dahlgren and Hans Erik Næss (eds) Tanker om samfunn. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 33-64,

2012 Event Focused Fieldwork and Comparative Methodology. Exploring Ethnic Boundaries and Cultural Variation, in Loshini Naidoo (ed.) An Ethnography of Global Landscapes and Corridors. Rijeka: Intech publishers, pp. 23-56.

[with Randi Haaland] 2012 Landscape, in Timothy Insoll (ed.)  The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 24-37.

Kapferer, Bruce
[edited with Angela Hobart] 2012 Contesting the state. The dynamics of resistance and control. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Lattas, Andrew
2012 Consultancy, Neo-Liberal Conservatism and the Politics of Anti-Politics. Oceania, 82(1): 113-118.

Longva, Anh Nga
[edited with Anne Sofie Roald] 2012 Religious Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, p. 369.

2012 From the Dhimma to the Capitulations: Memory and Experience of Protection in Lebanon, in Anh Nga Longva and Anne Sofie Roald (eds) Religious Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 47-69.

2012 Introduction, in Anh Nga Longva and Anne Sofie Roald (eds) Religious Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 1-23.


McCarthy, Michelle
2012 Playing Politics with Yams: Food Security in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 34(2): 136-147.

2012 Taro Pudding: Mona in  G. Baldacchino and A. Baldacchino (eds) Island Food: A Taste of Islands. Charlottetown, PE: Island Studies Press, pp. 206-209.

Manger, Leif
2012 Anthropological Reflections on the Breakup of Sudan. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 44(2): 327-329.

Müftüoglu, Ingrid Birce

2012 [with Simen Andersen Øyen and Finn I. Birkeland] Humanioras fremtid: Kampen om forståelsen av menneske og samfunn, ed. Simen Andersen Øyen, Ingrid Birce Müftüoglu, and Finn I. Birkeland. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Mzamu, Jessica Jemima.
2012 The Ways of Maize: Food, Poverty, Policy and the Politics of Meaning among the Chewa of Malawi. PhD thesis. Department of social anthropology, University of Bergen, p. 321.

Strønen, Iselin Åsedotter
2012 Development from Below and Oil Money from Above: Popular Organisation in Contemporary Venezuela, in John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan (eds) Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-economics of Oil and Gas. London: Pluto Press, 133-155.

Thomas, Sajan
[with Titto Idicula] 2012 "There's another side to the Norway episode". The Hindu Business Line.