Det juridiske fakultet


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International Day

International Day at the Faculty of Law

Internasjonal dag på Det juridiske fakultet
International Day
Universitetet i Bergen


On Thursday 18 January 2018, we have the pleasure of inviting all of our partner faculties to participate in our International Day event. During the day, there will be presentations and stands by partner faculties, and in the evening the faculty will host a social gathering for all international guests.

During the International Day we wish to give our students as much inspiration and information as possible before the internal study abroad application deadline in February. The 2018-event will be special because it is the 10th International Day at our faculty.

An invitation to the International day in 2018 was sent to all known partner contacts by e-mail in October with a reminder in November. The registration deadline for next year’s event was Friday 1. December 2017. Please contact the international team (utveksling@jurfa.uib.no) if you wish to enquire about the possibility for late registration.

If you would like some more information about the event, please see the news item with video from the International Day in 2017.

We look forward to inviting partners from around the world to Bergen and our International Day in the new year!