Helge Opedal's picture

Helge Opedal

Senior Engineer
  • E-mailHelge.Opedal@uib.no
  • Phone+47 55 58 40 71
  • Visitor Address
    Nygårdsgaten 5
    5015 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7800
    5020 Bergen

"I am employed in the IT department and work on web-related services, including PHP/Bash, Apache webserver, MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, web hosting, WordPress, Wiki, and Machform (Skjemaker). My work primarily involves Linux web application management with Bash/PHP scripting.

Currently, I am involved in a support project for Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar, where we provide IT equipment, including computers. I have previously been to Tanzania several times in connection with the exchange of IT personnel in the Fredkorps project, a collaboration with the Department of International Cooperation (AIS) at Helse Bergen.

Some of the other projects I have been involved in recent years include NORPART and ORAL EURASIA.

One of the tasks in these projects has been to establish an 'online microscope,' which was realized using Cytomine on one of NREC's servers (virtual Linux Ubuntu with Docker CE). Cytomine is available at https://cytomine.be."





Academic article
  • Show author(s) (1999). A radiation transport model as a design tool for gamma densitometers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 347-355.
Academic lecture
  • Show author(s) (1997). Responses of EGS¤ low-energy gamma-densitometer simulation process.
Thesis at a second degree level
  • Show author(s) (1997). Integrert gammadensitometer og venturimeter for måling av væskevolumstrømning.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)