One PhD – Nine articles for secure communication
A PhD requires a minimum of three peer reviewed articles, but occasionally someone goes above and beyond. Very rarely, however, does go as far as producing nine articles during their PhD fellowhip.

This week Nikolay Stoyanov Kaleyski, who has been working at the Selmer Center in Secure Communication, defended his PhD thesis.
The thesis, titled "Towards a deeper understanding of APN functions and related longstanding problems", contained no less than 9 articles; an extraordinary amount for a PhD candidate to produce.
Prof. Lilya Budaghyan, head of the Selmer Centre, praises Kaleyski for both his articles and teaching work.
“In these 9 papers Nikolay in particular considered several important problems which have been open for 10-20 years, solving some of them completely and making a progress in others.”
“During his time as a PhD student he also lectured two courses in Information Theory and Cryptography and got very positive evaluation from students. As a result of this excellent lecturing, he currently has 5 master students as a supervisor.”
Lilya also highlights Kaleyski’s contributions to communicate his academic field to a wider audience.
“He is also an excellent communicator, serving for our department for popularisation of sciences as well as an invited speaker for several international conferences.”
Among other achievements, he talked about the importance of cryptography for the functioning of modern society at the 2021 Christie Conference.
Budaghyan continues: “He has also served in organizing and program committees of several international conferences and workshops, as well as serving as a reviewer for top international journal in our field of science. In addition, Nikolay is the main developer of the Boolean functions webpage initiated and maintained by the Selmer Centre.”
“Last but not least, Nikolay is a very nice colleague always ready to help.”
The Institute of Informatics proudly congratulates Nikolay on his achievements, and wishes him all the best for his future career!