
Vant pris for artikkel om algoritmestyrte forsider

Ph.d-stipendiat Marianne Borchgrevink-Brækhus vant prisen for Årets Forskningsartikkel i Norsk Medietidsskrift.

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Maxim Ilyahov, Unsplash.com


Artikkelen "«Det er ikke plass til alt på internett»: algoritmestyrte forsider og redaksjonelle vurderinger" fordyper seg i overgangen til algoritmedrevne forsider i to fremtredende norske nettaviser. Marianne er ph.d-stipendiat ved MediaFutures og medlem av Mediebruksgruppen.

I sin evaluering skriver komiteen fra Norsk Medietidsskrift:

"The article deals with a current topic of significant academic and societal relevance. Algorithms have an increasingly significant impact on news evaluations, but are often met with skepticism in academic literature. The public debate revolves around the idea that algorithms undermine editorial judgments and lead to a homogeneous news supply, and weaken the common agenda. The article seeks to move beyond this dominant understanding, and examine the process behind how algorithms structure news website pages. In a time of growing concerns about a polarized climate debate, and where online news sources play a central role in people’s news consumption, these are critical questions in a broader societal context”.