Finding & reusing research data
Reusing research data can open new avenues of research and avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts.
Kurset holdes på engelsk.
Sharing and re-using quality-assured research data is considered good scientific practice. Most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. Reusing these datasets as secondary data avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts and can inspire new avenues of research. For example, new questions or methods can be applied to a dataset, or data from different studies or disciplines can be integrated. In this webinar you will learn how you can use existing datasets as a resource for your research.
The webinar will give an introduction to FAIR research data as a resource, explain data citation, and demonstrate strategies to efficiently discover datasets in your discipline.
The following aspects will be covered:
- Benefits of reusing research data
- FAIR principles as prerequisites for data reuse
- Discovering datasets
- How to cite datasets