Bergen Stress and Sleep Group, BSSG
Guest lecture

Beyond humans and laboratory rodents: physiological and behavioural studies of sleep across phylogeny

Open guest lecture arranged during summer school in Circadian Rhythms and Sleep.

Main content

Professor Peter Meerlo from University of Groningen in The Netherlands is an internationally acclaimed researcher in the field of sleep and circadian rhythms. He has an extensive publication list in the area of the role of sleep in neuronal plasticity and memory processes, neurobiological consequences of disrupted and restricted sleep, sleep across different species, and the effects of stress on sleep architecture, sleep EEG, biological clocks and circadian rhythmicity.

We would like to invite all colleagues and students to five open guest lectures arranged during a summer school in Circadian Rhythms and Sleep.


The guest lectures are arranged by the Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience (NRSN), the International Graduate School in Integrated Neuroscience (IGSIN) and Bergen Stress and Sleep Group (BSSG), University of Bergen.