From bedrock to deadrock: Heritages of Finnish anti-nuclear and anti-uranium mining activism
Marko Marila fra Linköping Universitet holder gjesteforelesing om arven etter finsk anti-kjernefysisk og anti-uran gruveaktivisme.

The effects of nuclear power production and uranium mining can be seen and felt in the Finnish landscape, but so can the heritages of their opposition. In this talk, I present three cases from the history of Finnish anti-nuclear power and anti-uranium mining activism and discuss the nature and relevance of their archaeological heritage. Such heritage consists mainly of rock art and rocky memorials which, as durable tokens of nuclear heritage, continue to record and communicate the contradictions and ambiguities of nuclearity far into the future.
Foredraget blir på engelsk.
I samarbeid med Arkeologisk Forskningsseminar og strømmes på YouTube.