Trial lecture and defense for Samson A. Bezabeh
Samson Abebe Bezabeh is going to present his trial lecture, Thursday 13 December and is to conduct the public defense of his Ph.D. thesis Friday 14 December.
Samson Abebe Bezabeh, Master in Social Anthropology, Dept. of social anthropology, will hold his trial lecture for the PhD degree on the following theme:
“Discuss and analyze Yemeni migrant life in the Horn of Africa from a gender perspective employing social network theory. In particular, please construct an analytical framework that would help us understand this aspect of community life”
Time: Thursday 13 December 2012 at 15.15.
Place: Auditorium, Ulrike Pihls Hus, Professor Keysersgate 1
The title of thesis is:
“Subjects of Empires / Citizens of States. Yemenis in the Port of Djibouti and its Hinterland”
Opponents during the defense is:
1. opponent: Professor Mohamed Salih, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague and University of Leiden, The Hague
2. opponent: Professor Scott Reese, Northen Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
The third member of the committe is:
Associate professor/professor II, Dr. Nefissa Naguib, Christian Michelsens Institutt/Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Bergen
The defence is led by Vice Dean, prof. Anne Lise Fimreite
Time: Friday 14 December 2012 at 10.15
Place: Auditorium, Ulrike Pihls Hus, Professor Keysersgate 1