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  • Psychoendocrinology of affective disorders
  • Stress
  • Animal models of anxiety, depression and psychosomatic disorders
  • Sleep-stress interactions


Contributes to courses in Biological & Medical Psychology, as well as courses for PhD students. Supervision of undergraduate and graduate student projects.

Academic article
  • Show author(s) (2022). Does a single exposure to social defeat render rats more vulnerable to chemically induced colitis than brief inescapable foot-shocks? PLOS ONE. 13 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2020). Vitamin D supplementation during winter: Effects on stress resilience in a randomized control trial. Nutrients. 1-21.
  • Show author(s) (2019). A systematic review of studies utilizing hair glucocorticoids as a measure of stress suggests the marker is more appropriate for quantifying short-term stressors. Scientific Reports. 1-14.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Comparison of commercial ELISA assays for quantification of corticosterone in serum. Scientific Reports.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Mild daily stressors in adulthood may counteract behavioural effects after constant presence of mother during early life. Physiology and Behavior. 313-321.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Implication of NOTCH1 Gene in Susceptibility to Anxiety and Depression among Sexual Abuse Victims. Translational Psychiatry.
  • Show author(s) (2016). A rodent model of night-shift work induces short-term and enduring sleep and electroencephalographic disturbances. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 48-63.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Maternal deprivation of Lewis rat pups increases the severity of experimental periodontitis in adulthood. Open Dentistry Journal. 65-78.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Cognitive functioning and cortisol profiles in first episode major depression. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 379-383.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Hypothermia after chronic mild stress exposure in rats with a history of postnatal maternal separations. Chronobiology International. 252-264.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Effects of social defeat on sleep and behaviour: Importance of the confrontational behaviour. Physiology and Behavior. 54-63.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Restoring psychology's role in peptic ulcer. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 5-27.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Maternal depression and infant daytime cortisol. Developmental Psychobiology. 334-351.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Early and later life stress alter brain activity and sleep in rats. PLOS ONE.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Cognitive functioning and cortisol suppression in recurrent major depression. PsyCh Journal. 167-174.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Post-transcriptional effects and interactions between chronic mild stress and acute sleep deprivation: Regulation of translation factor and cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein phosphorylation. Behavioural Brain Research. 251-262.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Neonatal maternal separation in male rats increases intestinal permeability and affects behavior after chronic social stress. Physiology and Behavior. 1058-1066.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Long-term effects of footshock and social defeat on anxiety-like behaviours in rats: Relationships to pre-stressor plasma corticosterone concentration. Stress. 658-670.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Heart rate variability and cortisol responses during attentional and working memory tasks in naval cadets. International Maritime Health. 181-187.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Higher levels of fatigue are associated with higher CRP levels in disease-free breast cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 136-141.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Emotional stress and orthodontic tooth movement: effects on apical root resorption, tooth movement, and dental tissue expression of interleukin-1 alpha and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive nerve fibres in rats. European Journal of Orthodontics. 329-335.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Subjective health complaints, stress, and coping in orchestra musicians. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 58-62.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Levels of circulating interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and C-reactive protein in long-term survivors of testicular cancer with chronic cancer-related fatigue. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 868-874.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Chronic cancer-related fatigue in long-term survivors of testicular cancer. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 363-371.
  • Show author(s) (2008). A double exposure to social defeat induces sub-chronic effects on sleep and open field dehaviour in rats. Physiology and Behavior. 553-561.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Extracellular levels of serotonin and GABA in the hippocampus after chronic mild stress in rats. - A microdialysis study in an animal model of depression. Behavioural Brain Research. 42-51.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Coffee, stress and cortisol in nursing staff. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 322-330.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Coffee, stress and cortisol in nursing staff. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 322-330.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Sensitization and conditioning as contributors to gastrointestinal vulnerability. A review. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic & Clinical. 22-27.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Enhanced susceptibility to periodontitis in an animal model of depression: reversed by chronic treatment with the anti-depressant tianeptine. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 469-477.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Chronic mild stress inhibits BDNF protein expression and CREB activation in the dentate gyrus but not in the hippocampus proper. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 842-849.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Trauma and resulting sensitization effects are modulated by psychological factors. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 965-973.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Effects of chronic mild stress on sexual behavior, locomotor activity and consumption of sucrose and saccharine solutions. Physiology and Behavior. 571-577.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Cognitive activation theory of stress (CATS): from fish brains to the Olympics. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 933-938.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Cognitive activation theory of stress (CATS) : from fish brains to the Olympics. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 933-938.
  • Show author(s) (2005). An acute stressor enhances sensitivity to a chemical irritant and increases 51-CrEDTA permeability of the colon in adult rats. Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science. 35-44.
  • Show author(s) (2004). The effects of postnatal maternal separation on stress responsivity and experimentally induced colitis in adult rats. Physiology and Behavior. 71-84.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Chronic mild stress affects sucrose intake and sleep in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 139-147.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Økt kortisolnivå, frostskader og påvirkning av muskler og skjelett under ekstreme polarforhold. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. 3529-3532.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Selective hippocampal lesions do not increase adrenocortical activity. Journal of Neuroscience. 4345-4354.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Selective hippocampal lesions do not increase adrenocortical activity. Journal of Neuroscience. 4345-4354.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Proactive sensitizing effects of acute stress on acoustic startle responses and experimentally induced colitis in rats: relationship to corticosterone. Stress. 49-57.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Intestinal permeability and faecal granulocyte marker protein in dextran sulphate sodium - induced colitis in rats. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science. 169-175.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Association between childhood physical abuse and gastrointestinal disorders and migraine in adulthood. American Journal of Public Health. 1065-1067.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Reduced fear expression after lesions of the ventral hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 10825-10830.
  • Show author(s) (2002). A study of the effects of restraint stress on colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium in singly housed rats. Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science. 140-150.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Samhällets förståelse för djurförsök i biomedicinsk forskning. CFN:s skriftserie. 19-26.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Reliability of the Chronic Mild Stress paradigm: Implications for research and animal welfare. Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science. 266-274.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Is there a role for psychology in ulcer disease? Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science. 75-83.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Behavioural responses to elevated plus-maze and defensive burying testing, effects on subsequent ethanol intake and effect of ethanol on retention of the burying response. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 48-58.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Relating acoustic startle reactivity and plasticity to alcohol consumption in male Wistar rats. Physiology and Behavior. 723-733.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Anxiety and helplessness in the face of stress predisposes, precipitates and sustains gastric ulceration. Behavioural Brain Research. 159-172.
  • Show author(s) (1999). The time dimension in stress responses: relevance for survival and health. Psychiatry Research. 39-50.
  • Show author(s) (1999). The time dimension in stress responses: Relevance for survival and health. Psychiatry Research. 39-50.
  • Show author(s) (1999). Defensive Burying Test, Alchohol Consumption and Retention of the Defensive Burying Response. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 481.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Defensive burying and stress gastric erosions in alcohol-preferring AA and alcohol non-preferring ANA rats. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2050-2054.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Comparison of different animal models of stress reveals a non- monotonic effect. Stress. 227-230.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Animal models reveal the "psych" in the psychosomatics of the peptic ulcers. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 180-184.
  • Show author(s) (1997). ScandLAS policy. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science. 2-3.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Prediction of individual vulnerability to stress-induced gastric ulcerations in rats: A factor analysis of selected behavioral and biological indices. Physiology and Behavior. 555-562.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Prediction of Individual Vunerability to Stress-induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats: A Factor Analysis of selected Behavioral and Biological Indices. Physiology and Behavior. 555-562.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Amino acid effects on post-stress ulcers. Relationship to brain serotonin, 5-HIAA and norepinephrine. Stress. 169-178.
  • Show author(s) (1996). Voluntary alcohol consumption in rats: Relationships to defensive burying and stress gastric erosions. Psychology and Behavior. 983-989.
  • Show author(s) (1996). Følelsesmessige belastninger og periodontitt. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. 582-587.
  • Show author(s) (1996). Emotional stress effects on immunity, gingivitis and periodontitis. European Journal of Oral Sciences. 327-334.
  • Show author(s) (1995). Dopaminergic system sensitivity, shock-induced stress and stress-induced gastric ulceration may be interdependent. Homeostasis. 6-11.
  • Show author(s) (1994). Effects of traumatic stress on defensive burying: An alternative test of the learned helplessness animal model of depression and enhanced retrieval of unpleasant memories. Biological Psychiatry. 703-704.
  • Show author(s) (1994). Differing mechanisms for proactive effects of intermittent and single shock on gastric ulveration. Physiology and Behavior. 913-919.
  • Show author(s) (1993). Temporal location of contextual exposure determines whether shocks influence later ulcer vulnerability. Learning and Motivation. 282-292.
  • Show author(s) (1993). Some psychosomatic causal factors of restrain-in-water stress ulcers. Physiology and Behavior. 577-581.
  • Show author(s) (1993). Parallelism among stress effects on ulcer, immunosuppression and analgesia: Commonality of mechanisms? Journal of Physiology - Paris. 253-259.
  • Show author(s) (1992). The pathological power of the past. (Abstract of paper presented at 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels). International Journal of Psychology (IJP). 180-180.
  • Show author(s) (1992). Subtotal lesions of the amygdala: The rostal central nucleus in passive avoidance and ulceration. Physiology and Behavior. 795-803.
  • Show author(s) (1992). Pavlovian conditioning of corticotropin-releasing hormone-induced increase of blood pressure and corticosterone secretion in the rat. Physiologica Scandinavica. 59-63.
  • Show author(s) (1992). Individual behavioral characteristics and extent of stress-induced gastric ulceration in rats. Acta Physiologica Hungarica. 127-134.
  • Show author(s) (1991). The neurobiology of stress ulcers. Brain Research Reviews. 301-343.
  • Show author(s) (1991). Stress ulceration in rats: Impact of prior stress experience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 319-326.
  • Show author(s) (1991). Stress gastric ulceration in rats: Impact of prior stress experience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 319-326.
  • Show author(s) (1991). Juvenile and adult footshock stress modulate later adult gastric pathophysiological reactions to restraint stresses in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 246-252.
  • Show author(s) (1991). Amino acids and yohimbine prevent poststress gastric ulceration in rats. Experimental & Clinical Gastroenterology. 145-149.
  • Show author(s) (1989). Plasma corticosterone and renin activity during two-way active avoidance learning in spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 389-400.
Popular scientific lecture
  • Show author(s) (1999). The acoustic startle reflex, pre-pulse inhibition and alcohol consumption in rats.
  • Show author(s) (1999). Long-term effects of two animal stress procedures on corticosterone: Models for PTSD?
  • Show author(s) (1999). Contextual conditioning and fear expression in rats with dorsal and ventral hippocampal lesions.
  • Show author(s) (1999). Anxiety and helplessness in the face of stress predisposes, precipitates and sustains gastric ulceration.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Stress og trivsel hos folk (Workshop).
  • Show author(s) (1998). Stress hos mennesker og dyr.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Liking a drink might be good for you.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Evidence for conditioning effects on gastrointestinal pathology in rats.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Does enrichment alleviate or exaceerbate "stress" in rats and mice?
  • Show author(s) (1997). Stress in laboratory animals.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Modulation of stress responsivity in animals School of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Swansea, 10.11.97.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Individual differences in vulnerability to stress gastric erosions in rats. Institute of Psychiatry, Univeristy of Dundee, 6th November, 1997.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Hormones and stress. Neuroscience Research Center, Uppsala University, 8th April 1997.
Academic lecture
  • Show author(s) (2016). Simulated night work alters clock gene expression in central and peripheral tissue in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Implication of NOTCH1 Gene in Comorbid Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in a Sample of Sexual Abuse Victims.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Night work - disturbances in sleep and circadian rhythm parameters. An animal model.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Hypothermia after chronic mild stress exposure in rats with ahistory of postnatal maternal separation.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Early and later life stress leads to a lower brain activity during sleep and wakefulness in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Chronic mild stress potentiates a lower brain activity during sleep and wakefulness in rats exposed to long maternal separation.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Gut ache – what does “stress” have to do with it?
  • Show author(s) (2007). Serotonin and GABA in the hippocampus after chronic mild stress in rats. A microdialysis study over the sleep/wake cycle in an animal model of depression.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Post-traumatic stress disorder and gut dysfunction.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Personality factors predict quality of life in distressed patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), The inspire study.
  • Show author(s) (2006). PTSD and fMRI - a pilot study.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Sensitivity to experimentally induced colitis - gender differences?
  • Show author(s) (2004). Trauma and resulting effects are modulated by psychological factors.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Sensitization and conditioning as contributors to gastro-intestinal vulnerability.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Psychological factors impact on colitis in animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Kjønnsforskjeller i sensitivisering til kjemisk indusert inflammasjon.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Eksperimentell stressforskning: psykosomatisk relevans.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Effects of an acute stressor on chemically sensitization and permeability of the colon in adult rats.
  • Show author(s) (2003). The Norwegian perspective.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Stress and ulcer.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on DSS-induced Colitis in Rats.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Selective lesions of the ventral hippocampus impair expression of unconditioned fear.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Psychosomatic theory, research and practice in Norway. Lunch roundtable presentation.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Psychobiology of stress and PTSD: potential insights from animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Psychobiology of stress and PTSD: potential insights from animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Proactive sensitising of a brief stressor on acoustic startle response and chemically-induced colitis in rats: relationship to corticosterone.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Longterm effect of short inescapable footshock on startle responses and experimentally induced colitis in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Basal plasma corticosterone levels are not increased by selective lesions or temporary inactivation of the hippocampus.
  • Show author(s) (2002). Assessment of granulocyte marker protein and permeability in relationship to experimentally induced colitis in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2001). The impact of stress on the maintenance of IBD symptoms in male and female rats: Is dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis prolonged in pre-stressed rats?
  • Show author(s) (2001). The impact of stress on the maintenance of IBD symptoms in male and female rats: Is dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)- induced colitis prolonged in pre-stressed rats?
  • Show author(s) (2001). Stress og IBD hos rotter.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Psychobiology of PTSD – Lessons and potentials of basic research.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Om rotter og stress: hva har vi lært fra dyremodeller?
  • Show author(s) (2001). Magetarm lidelser – er stress en medvirkende faktor? Fra basale til kliniske studier.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Dyremodeller.
  • Show author(s) (2001). DSS-modellen for IBD hos dyr – påvirkninger av stress.
  • Show author(s) (2001). A study of the effects of stress on colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2000). What animal models can tell us about designing psychobiological intervention studies with humans.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Welfare of laboratory rodents.
  • Show author(s) (2000). The re-psychosomatization of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Stress and GI disorders - Animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Psychobiology of GI disorders: Implications of animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Psychobiology of GI disorders - Animal models.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Animals models in gastrointestinal research.
  • Show author(s) (2000). A study of the effects of stress on colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium in rats.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Influence of stress on immune cell recruitment in rat gingival tissues.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Influence of stress on immune cell recruitment in rat gingival tissues.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Defensive Burying and Stress Gastric Erosions in AA and ANA Rat Lines.
  • Show author(s) (1998). Alterations in Brain Amine Content by Defensive Burying and Alcohol in Rats.
  • Show author(s) (1997). Apomorphine sensitivity, corticosterone and ethanol consumption in rats.
  • Show author(s) (1996). How individual history shapes disease outcomes - trauma, tumours and ulcers.
  • Show author(s) (1994). Serial stressors and gastric ulceration.
  • Show author(s) (1993). The neurobiology of stress ulcers (abstract).
  • Show author(s) (1993). Mechanisms underlying increases sensitivity to stress ulcer induction in rats (abstract).
  • Show author(s) (1992). The pathological power of the past.
Book review
  • Show author(s) (2001). Review of Biological Basis of Mind-Body Interactions by E.A. Mayer and C.B. Saper. Psychosomatic Medicine. 512-514.
Non-fiction book
  • Show author(s) (1993). Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions. Hogrefe & Huber, Toronto.
  • Show author(s) (1993). Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions. Hogrefe & Huber, Toronto.
  • Show author(s) (1992). Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions. Hogrefe & Huber, Toronto.
Letter to the editor
  • Show author(s) (2005). Stress, sensitisation and somatisation: A special issue in honour of Holger Ursin. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 931-932.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
  • Show author(s) (2011). Animal Models for Psychological Disorders. 17 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Ulceration, Gastric. 5 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Gastrointestinal Effects. 6 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Gastric ulcers and stress. 7 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2004). External Events Are Internalized in the Brain-Gut Axis. 8 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Animal models. 2 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2003). Animal models for psychological disorders. 13 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2001). Animal Models. 4 pages.
  • Show author(s) (1995). Cortictropin releasing factor and gastric erosions.
  • Show author(s) (1993). Can tyrosine prevent poststress disturbances? 6 pages.
  • Show author(s) (1992). Can tyrosine prevent poststress disturbances? 6 pages.
Encyclopedia article
  • Show author(s) (2000). Ulceration. 631-634. In:
    • Show author(s) (2000). Encyclopedia of Stress.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Gastrointestinal effects. 191-196. In:
    • Show author(s) (2000). Encyclopedia of Stress.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Simulated night work alters clock gene expression in central and peripheral tissue in rats. Journal of Sleep Research. 57-57.
  • Show author(s) (2016). A rat model for shiftwork: Effects on sleep architecture and sleep homeostasis. Journal of Sleep Research. 248-249.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Studies of LTP-Like Cortical Plasticity in Subjects with Bipolar Disorder and Healthy Controls. Biological Psychiatry. 257S-257S.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Sleep architecture, behaviour, corticosterone and acoustic startle response after double exposure to social defeat in rats. Journal of Sleep Research. 212-212.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Chronic mild stress abolishes a relationship between sleep architecture and translational control. Journal of Sleep Research. 41-41.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Sleep deprivation as an antidepressant treatment following chronic mild stress: effects on translation factor EIF4E and EEF2 activity. Journal of Sleep Research. 221-221.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Associations between cancer related stress and morning cortisol levels in Norwegian long-term survivors of testicular cancer. Psycho-Oncology. S306-S306.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Extracellular levels of serotonin and GABA in the hippocampus after chronic mild stress in rats. A microdialysis study over the sleep/wake cycle in an animal model of depression. Sleep and Biological Rhythms.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Associations between cancer related stress and morning cortisol levels in Norwegian long-term survivors of testicular cancer. Psycho-Oncology. S276-S276.
  • Show author(s) (2005). Chronic mild stress, an animal model of depression, affects the expression of BDNF and 5-HT levels over the sleep/wake cycle in hippocampus in rats. Sleep.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Psychological factors impact on colitis in animal models. Psychosomatic Medicine. A10.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Effects of Social Defeat on sleep and behaviour: The importance of the confrontational behaviour.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Sleep Architecture, Behaviour, Corticosterone and Acoustic Startle Response after Double Exposure to Social Defeat in Rats.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Early life stress modulates responses to chronic stress later in life; affective and behavioural outcomes in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Short- and long- term effects on sleep architecture, behaviour, corticosterone and acoustic startle response after two exposures to social defeat in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Chronic mild stress and acute sleep deprivation: interactive and brain-region specific effects on regulation of translation factor and CPEB phosphorylation.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Animal model of early and later life stress alters body temperature rhythm and induces depression-like symptoms.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Chronic social stress increases colonic permeability in rats postnatally exposed to long maternal separation.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Chronic mild stress alters body temperature rhythm and induces depression-like symptoms in rats postnatally exposed to long maternal separation.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Altered Body Temperature Rhythm and Depression-like Symptoms following Early and Later Life Stress in Rats.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Health effects of 21 days shift periods and long work hours in an isolated and extreme environment.
  • Show author(s) (2004). An investigation of the relationship between salivary cortisol profile, self-reported job stress, work load and health in a population of health care workers.
  • Show author(s) (2002). The impact of housing conditions on rats welfare.
  • Show author(s) (2001). The impact of stress on the maintenance of IBD symptoms in male and female rats: is dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) - induced colitis prolonged in pre-stressed rats?
  • Show author(s) (2001). Sleep/wake effect after chronic mild stress in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2000). The acoustic startle reflex, prepulse inhibition and alcohol consumption in rats.
  • Show author(s) (2000). Long-term effects of two animal stress procedures on corticosterone levels in rats.
Book Translation
  • Show author(s) (2004). Children’s PTSD Inventory (CPTSDI). Translated and reproduced by permission from The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Assessment Company. Norwegian translation copyright © 2004 by The Psychological Corporation. Norsk oversettelse tilgjengelig fra forlaget.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Translated and reproduced by permission from The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Assessment Company. Norwegian translation copyright © 2004 by The Psychological Corporation. Norsk oversettelse tilgjengelig fra forlaget.
Academic literature review
  • Show author(s) (2024). Microbiota-immune-brain interactions: A new vision in the understanding of periodontal health and disease. Periodontology 2000.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Stress revisited: A critical evaluation of the stress concept. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 1291-1301.
  • Show author(s) (2016). The Neurobiology of Stress. 29-49. In:
    • Show author(s) (2016). The Neuroscience of Pain, Stress, and Emotion. Elsevier.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)

Cortisol in PTSD and depression

Systematic review of cortisol measured in hair as a measure of stress

B.Sc. (Psychology, Hons), University of St. Andrews, 1974

Ph.D. (Psychology), University of Leicester, 1977

Fields of competence